Chance (24 Sep 2023)
"5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse -  The Reese Report"

Hello John and Doves,
Here's a short video at The Reese Report that explains very well this 5G activated Marburg/Zombie Apocalypse that is (possibly/maybe??) coming.  
5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse - by Greg Reese
run time 4:16
(my notes)
There is a video contained within this video of Todd Callender talking about this Marburg/Ebola/other pathogens activation and the deletion of 1p36 turning people, effectively, into zombies and that our government is preparing.
Not only are there pathogens in the "vaccine" waiting to be activated - but also, this high frequency activation will somehow result in the deletion of the short arm of chromosome one in the vaccinated - this is called 1p36 deletion.  This deletion could cause typical clinical manifestations.  (And there is a known syndrome identified for this - 1p36 Deletion Syndrome that can occur by several known genetic mechanisms.  That is, people are born with this.)  The video shows part of a research paper/case report by Wolfgang Brieglel  I found these 2 papers
Psychiatric Comorbidities in 1p36 Deletion Syndrome and Their Treatment-A Case Report - PubMed
1p36 Deletion Syndrome – RETIRED CHAPTER, FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY - GeneReviews® - NCBI Bookshelf
In this video it's noted that the deletion of 1p36 results in 'aggressiveness and the propensity to bite'. The 'biting' is what gets the 'zombie' label.
And in this video, is reference to the CDC's "Zombie Preparedness 101:  Zombie Apocalypse" in 2011.
And reference to the U.S. DoD CONPLAN 8888-11 "Counter-Zombie Dominance" - a fictitious plan created by the U.S. DoD in defending the U.S. against zombies.
There is also another video contained within this video of Jason Shurka explaining that FEMA will be using 5G frequencies to activate nanopathogens in the blood of the vaccinated.  This will be disguised as a "test" (EAS - Emergency Alert System/WEA - Wireless Emergency Alerts) across the US on October 4, 2:20 PM Eastern time -  This test will be used to send this specific high frequency signal through smart phones, radios and televisions to activate graphene oxide and other nanoparticles that have been inserted in billions of people.  If it doesn't happen on Oct 4, the backup date is October 11.  He recommends shutting down your phone October 4th at 2 PM for 2 hours.
(end notes)
In one of my other letters today about 5G and October 4 I wrote about this and suggested this upcoming FEMA test might possibly involve the activation bursts of the 18 Ghz signal.
I found some information on the CDC's Zombie Pandemic:
The CDC's Zombie Pandemic "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic" was the CDC's "fun new way of teaching the importance of emergency preparedness.  Our new graphic novel, "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic" demonstrates the importance of being prepared in an entertaining way that people of all ages will enjoy.  Readers follow Todd, Julie and their dog Max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies.  Stick around to the end for a surprising twist that will drive home the importance of being prepared for any emergency."  This was created in 2011.
Preparedness 101; zombie pandemic
FEMA has one too, dated October 31, 2019: (for Halloween)
FEMA: "Prepare for Zombie Apocalypse" - Homeland Security Digital Library
And I found some info on the U.S. military's CONPLAN 8888 - Counter Zombie Dominance:
And in that same year, the U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Command CONOP document that describes a plan for the United States and its military defending against zombies."  CONPLAN 888, also known as Counter-Zombie Dominance.  This was written "as part of a fictional training scenario for junior officers undergoing training in JOPES, the DoD's contingency planning system." 
CONOP 8888 - Wikipedia
Maybe this is why all the Hollywood Zombie movies the last few years - they are preparing us for what's coming.  The well known series, The Walking Dead, first aired in October 31, 2010.  (Halloween)  Hollywood seems to have some 'foreknowledge' of things.  
"The next major pandemic is coming.  It's already on the horizon, and could be far worse - killing millions more people - than the last one....To combat Disease X - as the World Health Organization ominously calls it - we will once again need vaccines to be engineered and delivered in record time....Let me put it this way:  the 1918-1919 flu pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide, twice as many as were killed in World War 1.  Today, we could expect a similar death toll from one of the many viruses that already exist."
The next pandemic is already coming and it could kill millions more than Covid. We need to prepare for it now... writes experts KATE BINGHAM and TIM HAMES | Daily Mail Online
What a bunch of bunk in this article!  Covid-19 was a bioweapon and the Covid-19 "vaccine" was a bioweapon.  THEY did this.
The above article (that I fact checked as BUNK) refers to the Spanish flu and that we can expect a similar death toll from "Viruses that already exist"- Like Ebola and Marburg??  These are man-made.  THEY are already warning us that the next pandemic will be much, much worse with deaths in the tens of millions.  How do they know this?  Because they've planned it and engineered the virus/viruses.
We've been warned.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!