Chance (24 Sep 2023)
"Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants"

Hello John and Doves,
So NOW Mexico is concerned about the illegal immigrants??  
The Mexican president wants to meet with Biden.  I don't know what he expects Biden to do.  Biden has a wide open southern border - inviting as many as want to come on in.  It can't get much more 'open'.
And the cartels are flush with billions from human trafficking, supplying children to pedophiles, and drug trafficking.  They probably control the Mexican government.  And our government officials get kick backs too.  Win-win.
"You know things are bad when the Mexican government says they are overwhelmed at their southern border with 10,000 global migrants arriving daily en route to the United States southern border."
"Mexico is being "overwhelmed" by the arrival of migrants to its territory, Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena said at a press conference during the UN General Assembly in New York.  Around 9,000 arrive at the country's southern border every day, around 3,000 of whom have traversed the Darien Gap, a dense jungle on the border between Colombia and Panama.  Another 8,000 arrive at the northern border with the United States every day.  "Yesterday 11,000 arrived, Barcena said.  That exceeds any capacity, no matter how much Mexico wants to do a good job."
"This year Mexico expects to process 140,000 asylum applications.  And Mexico is only concerned about the ones that wait in Mexico to apply for documents to enter the United States, and the ones looking for employment in Mexico and those that the US reject and must return to their country of origin.  (Mexico doesn't have a problem with the millions that have just passed on through Mexico. That's not the issue for them.)
"No mas" - Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden - The Last Refuge

The US isn't rejecting 99.99% of them.  The US is just letting them in.  Mexico has allowed them to cross their southern border.  Hoping they'll just walk right across ours.  Then Mexico complains when the US rejects a few that apply for legal entry and can't get in for one reason or another.
What a joke.  Mexico has done nothing to stop the flow of illegals through their country.  Getting big pay offs from the cartels to 'let it happen.'  And now they feel overwhelmed with 140,000 asylum applications?  How about the millions they've just let pass through their country into ours that we've had to deal with?
The president of Mexico wants to meet with Biden during Biden's Latin American leaders summit on November 3.  Maybe he's going to ask Joe to stop rejecting people that apply for legal entry, to stop making those that apply for legal entry wait in Mexico - or maybe just STOP with the legal entry paperwork all together.
What a mess.  This is destroying the country - which is the plan.  The WEF, EU, WHO, Soros and Son, are all pushing for these open borders in the US and Europe.  Destroying cultures and economies and ultimately countries.  And their plan is working - steal, kill and destroy.
There is no turning back from this ticking time bomb now.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
(As I've written before - THEY have a plan for these people - "Said the spider to the fly..." - and it's not going to be good, once they've gotten rid of would think these people would be suspicious of this 'open arms/come on in' policy of the Biden administration - especially with no job offers/way to register for work/previously decided place to live, etc. here...but they aren't.  Once things collapse here, Venezuela may look like a paradise.)