Chance (24 Sep 2023)
"Covid-19 Vaccine Morbidity and Mortality = Genocide and Lewis Brackett "Australia vaccinated children getting AIDS""

Hello, John and Lewis and Doves,
I do not believe that the Covid-19 "vaccines" have resulted in unexpected deaths or injuries.  This was planned genocide.
In Lewis' letter last week, 17 Sep 2023, he wrote, "Doctors are now calling it "Vaccinated Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome".  Vaccinated children have a lower immunity to ordinary pathogens....It's all about killing everyone before Jesus can come back."
Australia vaccinated children getting AIDS
Hello, Lewis.  I certainly agree! It's mass genocide.  Maybe the 'days being shortened' is to prevent, in part?, total global genocide.  Global genocide is indeed the goal.
I've been writing about excess deaths/excess mortality for some time - notably in Scotland, Australia, Canada, the U.S...and now this article about Southern Hemisphere countries.
I have links and notes to two absolutely damning research papers (the second one is from actuaries/data from insurance companies in the UK)
"Covid-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere":
This is an absolutely damning research paper published in Correlation Research in the Public Interest titled:  "Covid-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere."  Fresh off the press:  17 September, 2023  They show that the Covid-19 boosters and the BIG (an unprecedented) increase in all cause mortality (ACM) are directly linked.  And the Covid-19 vaccines/boosters did not decrease deaths - in fact, the opposite has been found - they actually increased deaths.  They also conclude that the push of these "vaccines" on the elderly should immediately STOP!  They found that for those 90 years old and older that at dose 4 of the Covid-19 vaccine there was a 1 death in every 20 injections.  That is shocking.  Based on their calculations there has been 1 death per 470 persons.  Worldwide deaths due to the Covid-19 "vaccine" were calculated to be approximately 17 million.
The authors note that there is "no evidence (in the 17 countries they studied) in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data of any beneficial effect of Covid-19 vaccines.  There is no association in time between Covid-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM (all cause mortality).  The opposite occurs." 
They looked at 17 countries - Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay.  These make up 9.10% of the world's population.  And 10.3% of all Covid-19 injections worldwide (a "vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages.  Involving "virtually every Covid-19 vaccine type and manufacturer, on 4 continents.)
They found that "all 17 countries have transitions to regimes of high ACM (all cause mortality or increase in excess deaths), which occur when the Covid-19 vaccines are deployed and administered.  Nine of the 17 countries have no detectable excess ACM in the period of approximately one year after a pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization, until the vaccines are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand and Uruguay.)"  
"Unprecedented peaks in ACM occur in the summer (January - February) of 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere and in equatorial-latitude countries, which are synchronous with or immediately preceded by rapid Covid-19 vaccine-booster-dose rollouts (3rd of 4th doses).  This phenomenon is present in every case with sufficient mortality data (15 countries)."
They go on to write, "It is unlikely that the observed peaks in all-cause mortality in January - February 2022 (and additionally in July - August, 2021, Chile; July - August 2022, Peru), in each of both countries and in each elderly age group, could be due to any cause other than the temporally associated rapid Covid-19 - vaccine-booster-dose rollouts."
"Likewise, it is unlikely that the transitions to regimes of high ACM, coincident with rollout and sustained administration of Covid-19 vaccines, in all 17 Southern-Hemisphere and equatorial-latitude countries, could be due to any cause other than the vaccines."
"Synchronicity between the many peaks of ACM (in 17 countries, on 4 continents, in all elderly age groups, at different times) and associated rapid booster rollouts allows this firm conclusion regarding causality, and accurate quantification of Covid-19 -vaccine toxicity."
The authors calculated the all-ages vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR), which is the ratio of inferred vaccine-induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in a population, is quantified for the January-February 2022 ACM peak to fall in the range of 0.02% (New Zealand) to 0.20% (Uruguay).  In Chile and Peru, the vDFR increases exponentially with age (doubling approximately every 4 years of age) and is largest for the latest booster doses, reaching approximately 5% in the 90+ years age group (1 death per 20 injections of dose 4).  Comparable results occur for the Northern Hemisphere, as found in previous articles (India, Israel, USA)"
They calculated the overall worldwide death due to the Covid-19 vaccine as 17.0 +/- 0.5 million - this was for 13.50 billion injections through 2 September 2023."
They wrote, "This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 +/- 0.006)% of the world population.."  This comes out to "1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years).  And they added, that the Covid-19 vaccines "did not measurably prevent any deaths."
(Iatrogenic:  "induced unintentionally by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedure" - a "new illness or injury caused by medical care provided by a healthcare provider."
Iatrogenic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Iatrogenic Events During Medical Treatments

They reported that the risk of death by Covid-19 vaccine injection in "actual populations" was "globally pervasive and much larger than reported in clinical trials - "1,000- fold greater!!
Their conclusion is governments should stop pushing this "vaccine" on the elderly!  "The policy of prioritizing elderly residents for Covid-19 vaccinations must be ended."   (They have extensive charts, graphs, calculations, etc. in their research.  With many, many references.  This report is 180 pages long.)
"Death and Disability Trends in Cardiovascular Diseases, Ages 15 - 44":
Add this above research paper to this one out of the UK concerning "Death and Disability Trends in Cardiovascular Diseases, Ages 15 - 44" dated 10 August 2023
Report V-Damage Analysis - Cardiovascular 15-44 - V3.pdf

They note that the rate of serious adverse events in the vaccinated is about 1 per 740.
 and "The current annualised excess mortality (in the UK) for 2023 is around 20% for the 15 - 44 age group.  They found that the disability claims and excess deaths in the UK were "black swan events" (high impact events that are unexpected and have a major effect)  They found "the explosion" in morbidity (disabilities) and mortality (deaths) due to cardiovascular diseases from 2021 occurred after the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.
"In this study we investigate the UK trends in death rates and disabilities for diseases of the cardiovascular system for individuals aged 15 to 44.  We compute excess death rates and excess disability claims, which are the difference between observed deaths/disability rates and a given baseline for expected death/disability rates. We measure changes in the behavior of morbidity and mortality before the Covid-19 pandemic with the post-pandemic period for diseases of the cardiovascular system.  We show a large increase in morbidity (disabilities) and mortality due to disease of the cardiovascular from 2021.  The increase in disability claims is consistent with increase in excess deaths, and both are highly statistically significant (black swan events).  The results indicate that from 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increase cardiovascular deaths and disabilities appears to be present in individuals aged 15 to 44 in the UK."
The authors noted that "When looking at excess deaths for cardiovascular diseases, the Z-score (statistical significance) in 2020 was around 3, indicating that prior to the start of the vaccinations there was already a signal pointing to an increase in cardiovascular deaths.  That trend however accelerated substantially in 2021 and 2022 where we observe Z-score  around 7.5 and 10.5 respectively.  There are extreme events that we believe need a thorough investigation.  Our previous work on measuring excess mortality and morbidity in the UK points to the Covid-19 vaccines likely playing a significant role in the rise of mortality and morbidity."
"Our analysis shows that the excess death rates from cardiovascular disease rose by about 13% in 2020, 30% in 2021 and about 44% in 2022."  They noted that in 2022, men "suffered much worse outcomes than women, with men experiencing a 56% deviation from the trend, compared to about 28% for women."
Their results "suggest that there is an underlying phenomenon that is causing large rises in mortality and morbidity due to cardiovascular diseases.  The explosion in cardiovascular deaths and disabilities occured from 2021, at the same time as the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines."
They looked at other studies done in other countries and noted one paper reported that the rate of serious adverse events during the 2 to 3 months unblinded period of the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials was 13.2 in 10,000 - or "this translates to vaccinated individuals having a rate of serious adverse events of about 1 per 740.  This is an extraordinary signal which was present in the original clinical trials, and that we've shown in our US disabilities research, is on the scale of the rise in disabilities we observe at the population level."
They speculate that the "rise in disabilities and deaths from cardiovascular diseases originates from other underlying damage to the circulatory system.
Their numbers show that "there was a significant rise in both disability claims and deaths in the 15 - 44 age group in the UK.  And that "the relative changes in disabilities were more than double the equivalent rise in deaths, which points towards the risk of high cardiovascular deaths in the coming years...."
"The current annualised excess mortality (in the UK) for 2023 is around 20% for the 15 -4 4 age group, which is a substantial rise from the prior level in 2022, which was slightly above 10%....this is a warning sign that we will observe yet another rise in excess mortality due to cardiovascular deaths when the 2023 numbers are released."
Another paper reported myocardial injuries at 2.8% or 2,800 per 100,000.  This could be what they are seeing in the UK with the increase in rates of disability claims and excess deaths in 2022.  These observations "point to a worrying picture that we might see an even greater acceleration of cardiovascular deaths and disability in the coming years."
Report V-Damage Analysis - Cardiovascular 15-44 - V3.pdf
The below link is of an interview with Ed Dowd  conducted by Dr. Naomi Wolf - I've written many times about him and his disability/excess death actuary numbers.  (the notes for this interview are at the link also).
Saddest Interview Yet: Mass Death in the UK
They conclude that "it is the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines" that are causing these disabilities and deaths and that "this is an enormous coverup".  They are expecting these trends to accelerate.  Dowd's "source in the insurance industry is seeing both disability and death shooting up among American millenials."  Dowd stated that "a million Americans in the month of June alone, newly identified themselves as disabled.  Most of these are women."  The Pfizer documents showed a 72% rate of adverse events in women as opposed to men.
Governments are silent. Public health officials are silent.  Insurance company executives are silent.  Dowd said that the insurance companies mandated the injections as did most major companies, in 2021, so they aren't saying a word in public about the data they are seeing regarding the "massive increases in excess deaths and Millennials' disabilities."
For those who are watching (as Lewis wrote - "those of us paying attention suspected this was going to happen" - we can apply that to all of the above), this isn't unexpected - but the numbers are shocking.  And these numbers will continue to increase as more and more vaccinated people will experience disabilities and death.  And the Biden administration/CDC/FDA have a new booster that they are pushing now for fall/winter.  THEY know what this "vaccine" is doing to the people.  These deaths and disabilities will continue to be labeled as "black swan events" until someone stands up and says the Covid-19 "vaccines" are doing this.  And all vaccinations STOP.
What country can deal with these high mortality rates in the working age population?  What country can deal with these shocking increases in disabilities?  One the people level - what families can cope with these?  What individuals can cope with increases in disability and deaths?  People are reeling from the affects of this bioweapon on families, friends.
God help us.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!