Chance (17 Sep 2023)
"The New Energy Weapons and The Revelation"

Hello John and Doves,
We may start seeing an increase use in weapons with 'new physical principles'.  Lasers, microwaves, super-high frequency weapons among others.  It's believed that these kinds of weapons will dominate the battlefield at some point.
This .gov pdf states that "the Obama Administration supported a robust U.S. directed energy weapons program..."  And China and Russia may not be far behind in these new kinds of weapons.  "...the U.S. could be entering a close arms race with China regarding energy weapons."  A big threat is seen from China weaponizing space -  the authors stress that "..the U.S. must possess options for at least neutralizing potential threats"..from China and the U.S. and allies must return to the Moon to prevent China from militarizing the Moon.  The U.S. needs to control the Earth-Moon System to maintain dominance.  "China's Progress with Directed Energy Weapons"  Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing, "China's Advanced Weapons,"  Washington, D.C., February 23, 2017
Russia also has been working on these new kinds of weapons:
"Russia's President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Moscow was developing arms using "new physical principles" to ensure security in the near historic perspective."  Putin said, "If one looks into the security sphere, new physical principles weapons will ensure the security of any country....We understand this very well and are working on it."
"Last month Putin said that Russia offered its partners a wide selection of state-of-the-art weaponry in virtually all categories.
Putin says Russia developing weapons based on ‘new physical principles’ | Al Arabiya English

Luis talks about this on his Youtube channel:  "THEREALGSNEWS". 
run time 13:14

In this video Luis lists the "Weapons using new physical principles" per The Encyclopedia of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

Directed Energy Weapons (D.E.W.):   infrasound, laser, microwave, ultrasound-based and super-high frequency weapons  (3 - 30 GHz)  Designed to destroy or disable enemy manpower, equipment, strong installations and infrastructure.
Electromagnetic Weapons:  lasers, and ultra-high frequency weapons who use pulsed, streamed electromagnetic radiation.
Geophysical Weapons:  climate, ozone, environmental and seismic weapons.  These can cause earthquakes, interfere with the climate, the ozone and the environment.  Deliberately affecting the environment, using the forces of nature for military purposes.  High explosives to cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and other disasters as well as change the weather or climate resulting in droughts, floods, storms, etc.  Ozone weapons are designed to create holes in the ozone layer to cause widespread damage with ultraviolet radiation from space.  
Genetic Weapons:  weapon capable of damaging the genetic apparatus of humans - through the use of viruses or by biotechnological methods to cause damage to or change DNA.  These weapons are particularly dangerous due to unpredictable consequences.
Non-lethal Weapons:  lasers, kinetic and acoustic devices.  Designed to disable weapons, equipment, material and personnel without causing irreparable loss.  Tear gas, rubber bullets, psychotropic devices, ultrasonic weapons and electronic suppression, military-use biological and chemical agents that can disintegrate or render the enemy's fuel uselss.
Radiological Weapons:  weapons based on the use of radioactive substances to poison human resources without a nuclear explosion and create radioactive isotopes.
Forbes Magazine back in 2020 reported on Russia working on Directed Energy Weapons: 
Russia Working On Directed Energy Weapon
China has been making large investments in energy weapons development.  "China has also made efforts in developing directed-energy weapons, with state media and manufacturers releasing images and videos of hand-held and vehicle -mounted laser systems."  Hand-held devices could be used for crowd control with lasers that can "instantly scar human skin and tissue...It can also reportedly ignite clothing, knock a small drone out of the sky or blow up a fuel tank."  It was reported that China use microwave weapons last year against Indian troops to incapacitate them.
Hypersonic and directed-energy weapons: Who has them, and who’s winning the race in the Asia-Pacific?
"According to the authors in the below pdf link, in about a decade or by about 2023, it should be possible for China to build a space-based laser battle platform weighing 5 tons and carrying 2.5 tons of chemical laser fuel.  This platform could be able to fire a 1 Megawatt laser for up to 100 seconds.  Such a laser should also have a 5,000km range and an accuracy of 0.5 microradians."  Also, China's next space station could carry directed energy weapons.
The authors stressed that China's commitment to developing directed energy weapons "points to one main conclusion:  China is working to dominate a potential next generation of warfare centered on directed energy weapons."...This drive for superiority is consistent with China's drive for global economic dominance to be followed by eventual military dominance; dominance of the seas and of outer space."
The information in the pdf above was written in 2017, a lot of technological advances can be made in six years.
The Maui Fires:
Evidence for a directed energy weapon being the cause of the Maui fires is mounting.
Could the fires have been caused by the CCP satellite, NORAD_53299 which was known to be directly over Lahaina at the time the fires were ignited?  I would think the DoD would be aware of this, but after the Chinese spy balloon fly over, I really have no idea what our DoD would do if they knew China destroyed Lahaina.  Probably stand down, like they did with the balloon...hmmmm.  It seems to me our DoD would be a more likely source of a D.E.W. on Maui than China.  Unless China was 'clearing out' a landing site for an invasion of Hawaii with our DoD's approval.
And then China is claiming that the Maui fire started with the U.S.'s testing of a "weather weapon."  China would know what that kind of damage would look like.  And China's finger pointing has already been labeled "disinformation"...which means it's probably true.
Mistrust on cause of Maui fire fueled by Chinese disinformation - Hawaii Tribune-Herald
Stew Peters interviewed Dr. Stella Immanuel about Maui and she brings up various verses in The Revelation - signs of the times.
Are Maui Fires A Sign Of The End Times? REPORT: Direct Energy Weapons Used To Evict Homeowners
In The Revelation we are told that God will "destroy those who destroy the earth."  Rev. 11:18  Which of the above weapons could be used in The Tribulation?  So what happens in the Tribulation?  Earthquakes, the sun scorches men, famines (droughts), severe storms - thunder/lightning, huge hail stones, a third of the earth is burned up - a third of the trees and all of the green grass; the waters are turned bitter and poisonous, the sun is darkened/moon to blood - could be volcanic ash/eruptions...  How much of this will be man-made?  Geophysical weapons could do great damage to the earth.  The other weapons could be used to destroy people, infrastructure, military assets, etc.
If the ozone layer disappeared, the sunlight would burn skin immediately upon exposure and plant and animal DNA would be damaged with lots of cancers.  Photosynthesis would be impossible.  (the sun is given power to scorch men, Rev. 16:8)
What If the Ozone Layer Disappeared? | HowStuffWorks
With the coming WW3, I believe these new weapons will become commonly used - the U.S., Russia and China already have these and will use them to their advantage.  And in the Tribulation man destroys the earth, because God said He will destroy those who destroyed the earth.  That time period will be absolutely horrific for all life on earth.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!