Hello John and Doves,This should remove all doubt about whether this administration is demonic or not and has been infiltrated and infected at the highest levels."Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona deleted a tweet Tuesday showing his music playlist for his bus tour after backlash from education advocates who expressed concerns about the profanity and sexual references in the songs.""Cardona, who is currently on a bus tour vising schools and students around the country, posted a list of songs by artists like Dr. Dre, Big Pun, Biggis Smalls, and Drake that he is listening to while on the road. The tweet was deleted shortly afterward, however, following criticism from education advocates, who were concerned about the songs' references to.....(not writing that here - disgusting.)"
‘F**k All You H**s’: Biden’s Education Secretary Deletes Explicit Rap Playlist After Backlash |
Legally, the bus is considered a "workplace" - he is creating a toxic environment. At least, in the 'old days' it would have been a toxic environment. But, under this administration, I doubt Title VII of the Civil Rights Act would call this a hostile work environment; it seems that vulgar and profane language is acceptable. I bet Obama's administration was just as nasty.
NLRB Says Profanity in the Workplace Is Fine | U.S. Chamber of Commerce
.If he does this in this 'work space' (the bus) what kind of environment has he created in his office as Department of Education Secretary? Maybe we wouldn't be shocked at what is going on in D.C. with Biden and his administration. With the transgenders (especially men wanting to be women), the gays, the bisexuals, the pedophilia, the adultery, the fornication....and it's not hidden - it's in broad daylight! And it's "celebrated"!!Here's a picture of this guy - just shows you can't tell by looking at them how possessed/influenced they are.
U.S. Secretary of Education Cardona to visit Springfield's Fairview Elementary Wednesday
I think D.C. has 'later' Rome beat by a long shot for decadence and depraved behavior!Absolutely sickening that this man is in charge of the country's education. They have been going after the children for some time now. As I've written before - we don't have enough millstones, but God does!This article says exactly what every American should know: "In yet another embarrassment to President Joe Biden, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona deleted an X post in which he advocated listening to "Hip Hop" that promotes sexual perversion. Not that sexual perversion would embarrass anyone in the Biden administration. After all, it hired a bald sadist and part-time luggage thief to help run the nation's nuclear waste disposal program. But this time, the problem isn't a pervert in heels, dresses and lipstick. It's the top official in the education industry. Even Biden's hard leftists, it seems, have their limits, particularly when a Cabinet secretary is caught advocating filth." ("Caught" being the key word here.) Cardona listed his recommended music on his D.O.P.E. bus tour as he "buses from school to school to pretend he is improving education."
"It appears that D.O.P.E. accurately describes Cardona."
Edu Sec Cardona Deletes X Post That Promoted Filth - The New American
The damage this man has done and is doing to children is incalculable. Parents need to find out what's going on in their kids' school, take an interest - then follow up if there's a problem. It's their children affected by this depravity. THEY hid behind closed doors, they make their evil agendas behind closed doors.We don't know even a 0.1% of 0.1% of what THEY are doing in D.C. And when something comes out - there is no reprimand from higher up - it's the people that speak up. The 'higher up' are the epitome of evil. This is why this administration is in power - to help satan kill, steal and destroy. Cardona got 'caught' - D.C. doesn't like that. Sneak it behind the back's of the people to get to their children. God sees all. Nothing gets past Him. They think there will be no accountability, no punishment...boy are they wrong! That time is fast approaching!! Amen!!There is little doubt that the rest of Biden's administration isn't rotten to the core.Pray for the children!Maranatha!Chance