Hello John and Doves,I think many people are looking at the Maui fires and saying 'something is really wrong here."This channel on Youtube, Blossom Inner Wellness, has some very good interviews. Michelle does an excellent job with her guests/questions.Here's one with a man who's been an arborist for 43 years - and about 7 years ago he noted 'something wrong with certain forest fires'. And he started comparing them and actually making trips to investigate what was left after the fires. He took an interest in the Maui fire because of what he was seeing in the videos and pictures. He compared them to other fires with strange anomalies.run time 1:01:02And this fire captain talked about other fires he's been involved with and a bit later in the video he started talking about the pictures and videos he's seen on Maui. And he made comparisons also. He talked about the burned up cars and the white ash that are everywhere.33yr Fire Captain shares insights into Maui fire and something else ALL Americans Should Know! - YouTube
run time 44:04This arborist and fire captain note some of the same anomalies - but from different perspectives. The arborist talked more about the vegetation and how 'it's suppose to burn' and the vegetation standing after the Maui fires. And the fire captain talked more about his experience with what's left after a fire in terms of structures, household items, vehicles...and he notes the toilets are all burned to ash in Maui. Things that shouldn't be ash. (I remember in another letter I wrote about the governor of Hawaii noting that even 'granite counter tops melted.' That shouldn't be possible in a wood fire.)If THEY can do this to Maui and other places...they can do this to any of us. And what is THEIR purpose? To kill, steal, and destroy?In Revelation 11:18, God said He will destroy those who destroy the earth. So man/people are doing major damage to our planet - I don't believe that this is just nuclear war or conventional weapons - I believe it will go beyond that - where they control the weather with weather weapons and they will bring destruction with Directed Energy Weapons (D.E.W), and whatever else they've created. THEY will destroy the Earth with this high tech weaponry. And then there is the mind control weapons...sigh. I wrote a letter about China's 'brain' weapon - it's here now!This is so much worse than I ever could have imagined. THEY are already using their weapons against us. We are seeing what's coming in the Tribulation. Jesus said when we see these things begin to happen - LOOK UP!"When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh!" Amen!Surely we are on the cusp of the Tribulation Period!Maranatha!Chance