Bruce Kessler (24 Sep 2023)
"Flowers Blooming in the Dead Sea as the Final Rapture Sign"



1.   Dead Sea Blooms Floral Wonderland for First Time: Ezekiel's ...

Thanks to Israel’s record rains, the breathtaking flower trails have sprouted from the cliffs to the shoreline of the Northern Dead Sea area. The four mile stretch from Kibbutz Kalya to Ovnat is alive with newly formed fields of annual species whose seeds can lay dormant in the desert for years until there is enough water for them to sprout.

2.   Flowers Blooming In The Dead Sea - Image Results

More Flowers Blooming In The Dead Sea images

3.   Need a break from the news? The flowers of the Dead Sea ...

The flowers of the Dead Sea beckon Plants in bloom along Route 90, close to the Ein Gedi kibbutz, February 22, 2019. Echium judaeum is an annual plant that belongs to the borage family. The remains of a dessicated bush with the Dead Sea behind, near Ein Gedi, February 22, 2019. Aaronsohnia ...

4.   Prophecy Being Fulfilled: Israeli Desert Blooms! – Looking ...

Desert in Bloom near the Dead Sea 35  Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days.     The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. 2  Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers

5.   Explosion of flora near Dead Sea fulfillment of prophecy? - WND

He described not only the appearance of sinkholes with water very low in salt – only 1.5% compared to the Dead Sea's 37% -- but also fields of flowers as a biblical prophecy "coming true."

o   Author: WND Staff

6.   Israel’s Blessed Rains Cause Dead Sea To Be Surrounded By ...

Mar 06, 2020 · Home News Israel’s Blessed Rains Cause Dead Sea To Be Surrounded By Miraculous Wildflowers

7.   Top 10 places to see Israel's spring flowers - ISRAEL21c

Yes, we know the Dead Sea would seem to be an odd place to find fragrant blooming life, but in fact this March the area between Qumran and Ein Gedi – and the entire Judean Desert — is chockfull of flowers that haven’t poked up their heads in years.

8.   Dead Sea alive with vegetation, algae, fish - WND

Oct 06, 2018 · The Dead Sea in Israel is known by that name because with nearly 10 times the salt of the ocean, life in its brine is largely unknown. Until now. Advertisement - story continues below A report in ...

o   Author: WND Staff

9.   The Dead Tongues - Black Flower Blooming - YouTube

Mar 29, 2017 · 50+ videos Play all Mix - The Dead Tongues - Black Flower Blooming YouTube Ed King's Guitar Collection | Marty's Guitar Tours - Duration: 34:52. Marty Music Recommended for you