Enoch's year had 364 days. 364 is the composite number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'.
7 of Enoch's years span 2548 days. The 2548th day of this current Jewish calendar cycle spans 9/23-24 of 2023. Comet Nishimura exits Virgo on 9/22-23 of 2023.
The seventh year of this Jewish calendar cycle ended on 9/15/2023. 9 days later (on 9/24/2023) seven of Enoch's years will have passed. 9 is the number of finality and judgment.
The gematria of 9 Breastpiece tribe names total equals the 2701 gematria of Genesis 1:1. The remaining 3 tribe names form a diagonal line and their gematrias total 999.
Seven prophetic years (2520 days) + 37 days (888 hours) equals the 2557 days in seven of our solar years.
888 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. The 8th hour of the 8th day of this 8th year (5784) in this current 305th Jewish calendar cycle will fall on 9/22-23 of 2023 – depending upon the different time zones. Again, comet Nishimura exits Virgo at that time.