First I'd like to say I had a very intense dream last night of gigantic tsunami waves about to fall on me, one after the other. Each time I braced expecting to feel horrible pain, but there really was no pain. It was still overwhelming.
Next, I'd like to share a rapture dream I came across on YouTube that mentions everything being dark--powerless, which has been a recurring theme in messages about the last days.
And from the 2016 X-Files episode that seems to clearly describe covid-19, the end of the video says, it'll probably happen on a Friday. The banks will declare a holiday and everything will go dark.
There have been many prophecies about "3 days of darkness" at the time of the rapture.
Here is the link that Tony Els provided originally from the X-Files talking about everything going dark. It happens at the end of the video.
The clip about the bank holiday starts at about the 3:48 mark:
Steve M