Steve Coerper (18
Sep 2022)
Dear John and Valiant Ones:
I’ve been corresponding with Steve Atkerson of New Testament
Reformation Fellowship. The focus of NTRF is
to promote the re-establishment of church community as
it existed in the early church because the Biblical way
of “doing church” is the most effective way. I certainly
can’t disparage Steve, the NTRF or their efforts, as I’d
be doing the same thing if I didn’t think the damage to
America and the American Church was beyond repair.
I told Steve that the churches had “preached themselves
into irrelevance” and a recent headline (there are many
I could have chosen) demonstrates this: A
Top Russian Official Quoted the Book of Revelation
to Describe What Will Soon Happen to America
– the “top Russian official” being Dmitry Medvedev,
former President of Russia, currently serving as deputy
chairman of the Russian Security Council. No local
church that I am aware of covers anything like this.
I recently was sent excerpts from The
Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity
by Leon J. Podles. I have not read the book and don’t
intend to; the excerpts and book reviews on Amazon were
sufficient. The take-away is that we have embraced and
projected a view of Christ that makes Him tame, safe,
gentle and harmless. We have presented a view of a “god”
who delights in having His people sit quietly in rows,
be nice, smile at your neighbor, and listen to an
essentially irrelevant TED talk while the world around
us goes to hell.
Ezekiel chapter 9 (referenced previously in A
Fuller Dignity which I hope you read)
illustrates the end result of a totally corrupted
ecclesiastical system. This is what has been
intentionally done to America’s churches. I hate to
paint all American clergy with the same broad brush, as
I’m sure there are decent and well-intentioned people
who are “professional Christians.” But it simply appears
inarguable that the “church” as it’s expressed,
implemented, and experienced in America is irrelevant.
This is what we might expect if the “church age” is
drawing to its close. True and authentic Biblical
Christianity has become a hate crime, punishable without
a trial. Those who hate God and love death have taken
political and economic control of the planet and we are
no longer welcomed here.
For perspective, think about how you (if you’re old
enough) functioned as a Christian in America just twenty
years ago. You may have met someone in the neighborhood,
perhaps at work or maybe at church. You start to develop
a friendship and you may invite the person over to your
home. Maybe you and a few other casual friends are
developing an in-home Bible study or fellowship group.
You’re open about what you’re doing and what you
believe, and you’re delighted when newcomers join you
for a meeting.
Would you do that today? How do you feel about having
strangers in your home? Would you be willing to share
your faith at work, knowing the person you shared with
could perceive your efforts as a “hate crime”? Would you
share God’s offer of reconciliation with an overt
homosexual, who could then accuse you of “harassment”
and get you fired? If you meet someone new at church who
seems pleasant and speaks fluent “Christianese” do you
accept him at face value? Or might he be a plant,
seeking some pretense to bring legal action against you
or your church?
I understand that this is not (yet) Canada, but we’re
unquestionably heading in that direction and increasing
speed. The world we’re now in has been sent a strong
delusion. God’s offer of reconciliation is not
well-received. The level of trust necessary to build
cohesive and functioning New Testament ekklesias simply
does not exist any more, at least not in America.
I am not saying it’s time to stop praying, stop
witnessing, or stop living out your faith. The time is
coming when no man can work, but apparently that time
has not yet arrived. What I AM saying is that the
corporate organizational churches have become irrelevant
and the culture has become hard-boiled in its rejection
of Jesus Christ.
It’s time to go home.