Randy (18 Sep 2022)
"Rosh Hashanah is the PERFECT starting date for the Tribulation and Rapture"

Look at this:

THIS is a PERFECT Match!
Most of us believe the Rapture and Return of Jesus Christ will be ON Jewish Feast Days, as was His first Coming. He fulfilled the Jewish Spring Feasts PERFECTLY..... and we think He will fulfill the FALL Feasts PERFECTLY. If so, LOOK AT THESE DATE Calculations, starting THIS Rosh Hashanah! ( I use timeanddate.com for the calculations)

Rosh Hashanah 2022:  Sept 25-27.
Start on Sept 26
+ 1290 days =  April 8, 2026     Passover is April 1-9.   A MATCH
MIDPOINT of the Tribulation....falling ON Passover!!
From 4/8/2026
+ 1260 days = Sept 19, 2029  Fall Feast of Yom Kippur is Sept 18 and 19 A MATCH
and,  from 4/8/2026
+ 1335 days = Dec 3, 2029   Hanukkah is Dec 1-9    A MATCH

THOUGHTS? Oh, could it be?? We will know soon enough!!
Tic Toc,

Add to this: The whole world is watching the Queen's funeral.
What if the KING - Jesus Christ who is the only one who Rose From the Grave... - returns just after that during Rosh Hashanah to call His Bride HOME in the Rapture !!??

Plus......the world-wide droughts....which will bring famine.
And.....the if the War in Ukraine erupts into something bigger.
And.... Israel and Iran then unleash the long-awaited war?
And.... the world financial system/economy is very very fragile and the Rapture would push it over the edge as well.

Tic Toc?? Oh how I long to see God's plans unfold upon this earth. Oh how I long to FINALLY be right about the Rapture!
Oh how I long to be part of it all and immediately be AT the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God.....bigger than ANY earthly/British celebration!!