Vladamir Putin has supposedly given his troops a September 15th deadline to occupy eastern Ukraine. And so this war rages on and on. Could this be linked ultimately to the Rapture and "World War III"? This year Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets) begins on Sunday, September 25th at sundown. Rosh Hashanah is always a high likelihood for the Rapture in any given year, although obviously Jesus can come in the Rapture anytime He wishes. The U.S, NATO, and the European Union continue to pour military equipment into Ukraine, and this is leading to the death of many Russian soldiers (some estimates are as high as 20,000!). Putin is not happy about this of course, and any slight miscalculation could greatly escalate this war into "World War III". We know from Scripture that the Rapture is associated with an event of "sudden destruction"------- see the end of 1 Thessalonians 4 and the beginning of 1 Thessalonians 5 in the New Testament.
Regardless, the hour is very late in these End Times, as in the "parable of the fig tree" in both the New and Old Testaments, the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation (May 14th, 1948) will see all end time events fulfilled! Israel is now more than 74 years old, and coming up will be the Rapture, followed by the terrifying 7 year Tribulation Period, and finally the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ------ Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53 in the OLD Testament. Anyone who misses the Rapture is going to face the most terrifying time period in all of human history----- just read the Book of Revelation!
P.S. Oh, forgot one thing. What is the "fig tree"? Hosea 9:10------ Israel is the "fig tree"!
P.P.S. And one more thing----- are the churches doing a lot of teaching on end time Bible prophecy? Nope! Why not? With Israel's return in 1948 after an absence of 2669 years back to 721 BC when they were last a free, independent nation, we began the "end times" of this present dispensation, the "Church Age". So, why are so many churches not dealing with this extremely important topic? Well, as usual Scripture answers virtually every question that we might have, and it answers this question too! Matthew 24:37-39 states, "For the coming of the Son of Man (Jesus) will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage (life was normal), until the day that Noah entered the ark, and THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND UNTIL THE FLOOD CAME AND TOOK THEM ALL AWAY; SO SHALL THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE (Rapture)". So, just how important is end time Bible prophecy in the year 2022 more than 74 years after Israel returned as a nation (1948)? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, but most churches simply ignore this topic! So sad, but it was prophesied by the Lord to be this way! He knew!