Neil Lipken (25 Sep 2022)
"Watch "Iranian General Announces NEW Iranian Drone to Target Tel Aviv and Haifa | Watchman Newscast Shorts" on YouTube"

The Iranians are such sweet folks!   They have nothing better to do than to want to destroy Israel!   It is the story of the Coyote and the Roadrunner all over again!   Beep-Beep!   Zoom!   When are these guys going to understand that when they try to attack Israel, it will just come back upon themselves?  The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob never sleeps nor slumbers, and He watches over his ancient people Israel!   Against incredible odds, Israel has won every Arab-Israeli war, and Israel is not the least bit afraid of the Persians of Iran!


P.S.   As most of you know, the hour is now very late in these End Times, yet the vast majority of churches are silent about this from their pulpits!   Why?   Matthew 24:39, that's why!   And read the verses around that verse too!