Neil Lipken (11 Sep 2022)
"Vladimir Putin under pressure from his own folks!"

A wounded Bear is a very dangerous Bear!   With Putin under so much pressure, the war with Ukraine with just the slightest miscalculation could escalate........... possibly to the "sudden destruction" / Rapture event?   Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th.   SEVEN MONTHS and one day later is September 25th, and at sundown on that day Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets begins.   Is SEVEN MONTHS (a number that God uses often) just a coincidence, or could the Rapture be around that time?  The Jewish feast that most closely correlates with the Rapture is Rosh Hashanah.  Well, hang on to your hats as we wait............................

Personally I believe that many current world events are ready for the Rapture.   Here is one interesting Scripture for everyone:

Psalm 102:16 King James Bible states, "WHEN THE LORD SHALL BUILD UP ZION (Israel), HE SHALL APPEAR IN HIS GLORY (Rapture and a little more than 7 years later the Second Coming)."   Israel is now more than 74 years old (from May 14th, 1948), and from the "parable of the fig tree" in both the New and Old Testaments, we are the "generation" to see all end time events fulfilled.  Upcoming is the Rapture, followed by the terrifying 7 year Tribulation Period under the antichrist, followed finally by the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ (Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53).   If you are Jewish and you are reading this, there is only one way to Heaven and eternal life, and that is through our JEWISH Messiah!   It was Him all along!  John 14:6 New Testament!   I would not suggest leaving this world without Him!   Hell is a very real and terrifying place, and it is the only other place to go after death if one does not know Israel's Messiah as their Lord and Savior!


P.S.   Please feel free to pass along any end time Bible prophecy emails that I send out!