Dear Brother Gary B,
I enjoy your prophecy studies and look forward to your letters on 5 Doves weekly, however I have an observation.
It seems to me anyone living in Israel would be very familiar with the all-white appearance of a barley field ready for harvest. That's been happening in the holy land formillenia. I would imagine everyone living there is also familiar with the harvest season for barley in the country. Who then in Israel would say, "four months, then comes the harvest " in April?
I can only imagine that anyone who said that in Israel would have to be saying that during the months of late December or early January. Otherwise, how could they not know?Also, Jesus, knowing that the barley harvest typically occurs in April, would not say in December/January that the fields "are white already to harvest", unless He was not talking aboutbarley. Isn't it more likely Jesus is instead referring to His imminent harvest of His bride/church/faithful? Only His faithful believers enlightened by the light of the Holy Spirit would not failto see the readiness for the "harvest" or rapture of the church. If that be the case, could our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not be telling us to look to late December/early January for His harvest of his bride/saints? That's the way it looks to me.
In Jesus name, God bless.Monty
John 4:34-37 ( Jesus Speaking )
"My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me , and TO FINISH HIS WORK. DO NOT SAY that there are YET FOUR MONTHS , and then comes THE HARVEST. I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields FOR THEY ARE WHITE ALREADY TO HARVEST. And HE THAT REAPS receives wages, and GATHERS FRUIT UNTO LIFE ETERNAL ; that both He that sows and He that reaps may rejoice together. "
Because Israel has a Mediterranean Climate they plant the Barley crop in the Fall of the year, and it is the FIRST CROP HARVESTED IN THE SPRING of the year when it appears WHITE IN THE FIELD AT THE TIME IT IS READY TO HARVEST during the MONTH OF NISAN ,which is APRILon our calendar, and NOT FOUR MONTHS LATER during the Fall harvest season.
Jesus says that He is the "HE THAT REAPS" "THE HARVEST" and "GATHERS FRUIT UNTO LIFE ETERNAL" who are His Elect Body of Christ Church whom ARE RAPTURED to heaven FOR ETERNITY during the SPRING MONTH OF NISAN , ie. APRIL, when the Barley crop appears "WHITE ALREADY TO HARVEST", and NOT "YET FOUR MONTHS" later during the Fall harvest season.
According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !