Luis Vega (25 Sep 2022)
"BOOKS BANNED - Violation of ‘Community Standards’"



Violation of ‘Community Standards’

by Luis B. Vega

‘I have told you these Things so that you will not Fall Away. They will put you out of the Synagogues. In fact, a Time is coming when anyone who Kills you will think he is offering a Service to God. They will do these THINGS because they have not Known the Father or Me’. -John 16:1-3

As of September 19, 2022, Lulu Publication suspended one’s Account due to 'Violating Community Standards'. Even though a Complaint was about 1 Book, all other Books, nearly 40, have been Banned also or will be. One will be looking to transfer the Books to another Publishing Platform, Time permitting. But the PDF Versions are still available, for now. Download the Books while you can. And send the Links to others you may know could benefit, from over a Decade worth of Research of the End Times or Eschatology - to where we are at now. The World is at the Door or the Rapture Event and the Revealing of the AntiChrist thereafter to start the Last Sabbath Cycle. Then Jesus will Return to Earth to Rule.

The Books are Free to Download in PDF format as one has made these Books available also at 5 Doves. And with Time coming to a close, it does not matter at this point in time. One is just alerting the Community as to why the Books are now gone for any Hard Copy purchase, and perhaps some may want to know why. Obviously the Enemy does not want these types of Books and Research available for People to find during the Tribulation Period. But hopefully our Watching, Research and Writing will have come to an End, soon. But yes, come to find out, just 1 Complaint and all the other 33 Books are now also Banned. It did not matter in an Appeal for being Unfair in Treatment, in one's Opinion, and for being a Publisher with the Company since 2013.

But, hopefully one can transfer the Books to another Publishing Platform. That is going to take a lot of Time. It may be a way to push them out to a new Level of Exposure, perhaps. However, the Free PDF versions that are off one’s Website are still available. And that they cannot take down unless they Take down the Site… It will be just a matter of Time before that does happen. The Link will be noted below to one’s Google Drive where all the Books are posted as PDF Files to download for Free. Or to send-out to any others, one feels led to. As they are now Banned, for sure they will be Contraband during the Tribulation Period. The Books are an All-Inclusive Compilation of one’s Research and Observations of the End Times -over a Decade worth… of the Signs that have led-up to where we believe we are at…at the Door now or Portal of the Great Escape and the start of the Tribulation Period.

I am Appealing the Harsh Measure of why have all the Books Banned, as a ‘Collective Punishment’ of sorts. Not Fair, but such is the World one lives in now currently, no? They said they ‘Reserved the Right’. One will see. But there may not be that much Time left to do so, if the End of the Church Age is that Near.

Google Drive: Free PDF Downloads
Books on Eschatology by Luis B. Vega
Over a Decade’s Worth of the Study of the End Times
