Greg Wilson (18 Sep 2022)
"“I Hope I’m Wrong”"

Greg Wilson

“I Hope I’m Wrong”


                I do not believe that the Festival of Trumpets (its not a pilgrimage “chag” feast) will be associated with the pilgrimage departure of the Church in the Resurrection/Catching out event (the “Event”).  I hope I’m wrong, however.


For so many prophetic pattern reasons the prophecy watching community of believers have anticipated the end of the age Event earnestly for the past few years.   We have studied the festivals of the Lord (moed and chag), noted their prophetic symbolism, their first coming fulfillments in Christ and speculated about the “manner of time” for the Event.  Yes, we too, as the prophets of old, have inquired about the manner of time that the glory of Christ should appear. (1 Peter 1:11)   The Shemitah year patterns really looked amazing and promising.  It would appear that we can confirm their accuracy given the first century notation that the temple destruction (AD 70) occurred in a Shemitah year.  Fast forward Year 2021/2022 another Shemitah year suggesting that Daniel’s 70th week of years should follow this Fall in order to align with prophetic patterns and the Fig Tree/Psalm 90:10 prophecies.  I am fully convinced for multiple biblical reasons previously posted on Fivedoves, that the Festival of Trumpets, or Yom Hadin, or Yom Teruah, or the Memorial Day for Blowing Trumpets (man blows the trumpets, not the Lord) , will not be associated with the Event.   


What does all of this mean?  Does it mean God is doing something different and unexpected?  Does it mean that the Shemitah cycles  are wrong or not even in play?  I believe the Lord does not have to follow the Psalm 90:10 70/80 years, if He did not intend it to apply to the end of the Church Age.  He, alone decides the duration of this generation.  We must be close.  Surely the 7,000-year speculated plan is true.  We must be nearing the end of 6,000 years of man’s rule.


So, let’s say the Event does not happen this Fall?  Then what?   I would say the Shemitah cycles are not in play.  I would say that they were suspended with the Jewish nation’s rejection of their Messiah Yeshua.  I would say that following the first Pentecost/Shavuot on, or about AD 30 or perhaps earlier, the Shemitah cycles may have been suspended.   This is completely plausible.   Some years ago, I wrote an essay titled “ Covenant Time”.  The last time I posted it was September 2020. › letters › sep2020 › Covenant Time 4 22 17.pdf 


                The general proposition was that God has historically taken “timeouts” in His counting of time.  I am persuaded that this period of time, first Pentecost until now, represents a single divine day…a Divine Timeout.  I am not sure that the Lord is counting time now because the “Kingdom of God” is present on Earth in “mystery form”. (Mark 4:11; Matthew 21:43; John 3:5; Colossians 1:26-27)   I would speculate that the Kingdom of God is outside of time.  Are we not now “seated in heavenly places” while being physically on Earth? (Ephesians 2:6) That concept is classical Quantum Electrodynamics/Entanglement or what Einstein termed “spooky action at a distance” or being in two places at the same time.  Think about this:  Everyday, in this Pentecostal Age, the Holy Spirit is actively indwelling believers.  That suggests to me what began at the first Pentecost has never ended.  We live in a time suspended age where the Kingdom of God is active and alive when all who call on the Lord for salvation may be saved.  It is a timeless period until the “fullness of the Gentiles” arrives. (Romans 11:25) Then comes the Event. (1 Cor. 15:52; 1 Thess. 4:17) Then perhaps God’s sabbatical count will commence and Daniel’s 70th week will begin.  Then, God will confirm His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for one last time. (Daniel 9:27)  He confirmed that covenant three times in the past.  (Genesis 22:16-17; 1 Chronicles 16:16-17; Psalm 105:9-11) It should be known as “the confirmed covenant” based on the Lord’s frequency of confirmation!  Yes, the confirmed covenant is the same covenant which the Lord suspended following Israel’s national rejection of their Messiah! The smoting of the fig tree is proof that the Lord cut off Israel, albeit temporarily. (Mark 11:13, 20) The Lord has established Israel, in these last days, for correction and judgment. (Habbakuk 1:12)   That covenant, God’s unilateral covenant upon His Oath (super covenant) will prevail and initiate Daniel’s 70th Shemitah week of years.  And so, all Israel, which appropriates the faith and testimony of Yeshua, shall be saved. (Romans 9:6, 27, 11:26-33, Revelation 12:17, 14:12)


                Is God doing the unexpected?  The Lord seems to have tarried, but we know He is NEVER late.  For me, I always look expectantly for the Event on a future Pentecost……..on a day and hour known only to our Lord and Savior.

Covenant Time 4 22 17.pdf


Blessings, Greg


P.S.  I really hope I am wrong and we fly away in September, but if not we who aspire to 1 Peter 1:11 must refine our diligent searching and studying of the Scriptures of Truth.