September 24, 2022
For more detail about his post, please read my last week's post.
The time has come for the rapture of the Church, I believe.
I have posted all I know to post and done all I can to convince God's people to look up and I am now have fulfilled my calling beginning 69 years ago, and intensified 34 years ago.
I want to thank John for the beautiful web site he has provided. It has reached many souls, I think.
Briefly, Rosh Hoshana this year, 2022 is exactly and to the day 12,432 days from Rosh Hoshana, 1988.
Back then, a devout Christian man, Edgar Whisenant published a book titled “88 Reasons why the rapture will be in 1988”. He sent free of charge 435,000 copies to ministers and millions more were sold worldwide at a price of $2 each. The millions of dollars that were generated by those sales were used to generate even more books and he kept not one red cent of the money, saying it was the Lord's money, not his. (His son gave him a real beating because he wanted some of the millions generated) I felt back then that the rapture was to be as he predicted. My family and I waited over the 3 days of Rosh Hoshana for the Lord to appear. He did not, of course, or so we thought. We were thoroughly shunned and mocked by our own families and friends, and in the churches.
After this, the Lord slowly opened up some things to my understanding, which I published on 5 Doves.
I tried to let you, my fellow Christians know that the Song of Solomon is a very prophetic book, and is actually a play written in 8 acts. It tells of a young Gentile girl being wooed by a Shepherd of heavenly origin. In chapter 5 of the Song, it tells of a coming of the Shepherd lover to His bride to be, but she was not ready to greet Him, even after Him commanding her to be alert for Him at all times.
It was only this year that I realized that the Lord did indeed appear for His Church in 1988. He came to the bedroom door but it was bolted. He left a disappointed Bridegroom because His bride was asleep and not ready for Him. She awoke, realized that He had come, opened the door, but He was not there. She went outside, all over the place looking for Him, but alas she found him not. The watchers in the city found her, though, and thoroughly beat her up in their anger toward her missing His coming. They even tore her veil away. (In ancient times, to lose the veil was a disgrace for a bride to be). The account is found in chapter 5 of the Song of Solomon.
I also tried to explain how Matthew 1:21 gave us the formula for finding the timing of Jesus earthly life. The formula, using gematria (word values) gave us 888 = Jesus and 14 = Savior, His two earthly names. The product when multiplied equaled 12,432 days from conception to death on the cross.
The signature of the Lord that this Rosh Hoshana is the one on which He plans to appear is the fact that Rosh Hoshana 1988, when He first came to rapture us and we were not ready is exactly 12,432 days to this Rosh Hoshana, when, after 28 years of many messages to us, a goodly number on 5 Doves, we are finally awake and this time ready to meet Him.
Today, September 24/25, counting time from sunset to sunset if day 1 of 3 days.
Gerry Almond