September 17, 2022
As simply and plainly as I can say it....the rapture that was to occur on Rosh Hoshana, the Feast of Trumpets on September 13-17, 1988 is now to occur on Rosh Hoshana, the Feast of Trumpets on September 25-27, 2022, with the exact earthly lifespan of the Lord Jesus Christ between these two dates as the Lord's marker for us to see and understand. It is my Blessed Hope and belief.
Everywhere I look, I see end time prophecy being fulfilled. Right now!
I am sad that so very few seem to understand or believe what actually happened on September 11-13, 1988. There have been many false predictors of the rapture date, such as Camping, White, and others. But, since 1994, the Lord has been sending messages galore through many watchers and us “little people”, many, many posted on Five Doves. And the Philadelphia spirited Christians (Rev 3) have paid attention and many have sought to establish when this event is going to be. They, in essence, do not question that the messengers and messages are true. BUT FEW GIVE ANY CREDIBILITY TO THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS, 1988, when one of their very own messaged with his very livelihood that Jesus was coming in 1988. Therefore, today, these are not aware, nor do they give credit to that messenger and his message.
I believe it to be the very key to knowing when the rapture is to occur. There, I have said it. It is my belief that this Rosh Hoshana will see the event within 5 or 6 days variance. This Rosh Hoshana, that is the Feast of Trumpets will occur on September 25-27, 2022. It was not last year, nor will it be next is this year!
I do not know many who have received a personal letter from the Lord Jesus. I am not boastful at all, I am rather humbled, but I have received a personal letter from my Lord. It came in 2013. He called me to watch at age 21 and I have done that since, lo, these 69 years. In that letter, He told me that He was giving me a gift and that I was not to be closed to it. I had no idea what that gift was until this year. I now understand and believe it to be that I would be given details sufficient to know when He was coming back to rapture His Philadelphia Church Christians.
Let me inform you of the items in the gift as I understand them. First, I was made to understand that the shroud of Turin was in fact a preservation photograph negative of the Lord Jesus Christ in His death. I knew long ago that one day, it would be made into a photograph. I did not realize that it would produce a 3D image. Second, I was made to understand the Song of Solomon and its importance to end times. Written 900 years before the birth of Jesus and closed to the Jewish nation by edict of her Sandhedrin, it was nevertheless God's message to them of His coming Son, and the Son's Bride. It was when I realized that it was really a stage play in 8 acts and that it was probably the most prophetic book of the entire Bible that I wrote a detailed paper on it and published it on Five Doves and to others as I could. It tied together the 7 Church Ages of Revelation 2 and 3, the parable of the 10 virgins, and also Matthew 13. Third, I was made to understand the formula to determine the lifespan of our Lord. And knowing that, I would understand the date of His birth. And with that I would know the year of His birth. And I would understand the importance of knowing. Fourth, I was made to understand how the Feast of Trumpets in 1988 was described in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 in order to understand what happened in 1988, when Jesus was expected worldwide in the conservative Christian community, but He did not appear as expected. Fifth, I was made to understand why He will appear on or near this Feast of Trumpets September 25-27 and how the time count came out the way that it did, to prove that this Feast of Trumpets is the replacement for 1988.
>The shroud of Turin has already been proven to be factual and has produced as I was told that it would.
>>The Song of Solomon as a stage play was first suggested by Dr. Charles Halff of the Christian Jew Hour way back in about 1985 or so. He did not elaborate and I did not pay much attention then. Later, I wrote a paper on it. Then as time went on, I realized that it tied much prophecy together. It contained the rapture also.
>>>I was reading the Christmas story when I realized that Matthew 1:21 contained the formula for finding Jesus birthday. I put that out several times to as many as I could reach.
>>>>It was just a week or so ago that I realized that what happened in 1988 was foretold in the Song of Solomon, chapter 5. Briefly, in chapter 5, the Lord came to get His bride. He came to the door of the bedroom. She was asleep. He expected an awaiting bride, so, being disappointed, He went back home. She roused herself from sleep, went to open the door to Him, but alas, He was already gone. She went about the city seeking Him, but instead of finding Him, the guards found her and literally beat her to a pulp. They even tore away her veil (for a woman to lose her veil was a serious matter in Old Testament times). All of this abuse is exactly what happened to us watchers. Our families and friends tore us up with mocking and ridicule.
Thirty four long years have gone by since then. The scoffing has never stopped.
Please be aware of this. Only one time in the history of the entire universe can this sign be given. It is imperative to understand that the first 4 sacred Feasts have been fulfilled. Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits in the death, bnrial and resurrection of our Lord. Pentecost, the 4th Feast was fulfilled when the Church was born and 3,000 souls were saved. Now comes the 5th Feast to be fulfilled in 2022.
So, If Jesus came in 1988 and the Church was not ready, why will it be ready in 2022? Because many, many messengers and messages have saturated the Philadelphia Christians over these past 28 years as Christ made sure that His message was delivered and heard. Philadelphia is ready! But Loadicea, the Church in love with the world has ignored the messengers and messages and therefore is not ready, and will be left behind for a season of 120 days or 4 months (John 4:35) to bring in a massive harvest of souls (Rev 7). Thus, they will have worked out their salvation with fear and trembling, just as we did ours.
So if one understands that 1988 was real, then the sign that Jesus has given us is His lifespan from conception to death. He went away for the exact time of His lifespan while in human form. Being a flesh and blood human person might add 3 additional days to the count, because, even though He lay dead in the tomb, He was still in human form until His resurrection 3 days after death. That gives leeway of September 25, 26, 27, 28,29, and 30. So, I will proclaim my belief that the rapture will be in September, 2022. My personal choice is Thursday, September 29 in the U. S. A. Because there are 2 days on the earth at all times, and because there are 24 time zones all the time, it is absolutely impossible to know the day and/or the hour.
From September 11-13, 1988 to September 25-27, 2022 is exactly and to the day, 12,432 days. But that is Sunday – Tuesday. Charles says Thursday, thus I add the days in the tomb to the count.
14 days conception to fertilization March 20/21 to April 3/4
266 days fertilization to birth April 3/4 to December 24/25
12,152 days birth to death on the cross. December 24//25 to April 3/4
Total days: 12,432.
This calculation is arrived at by Matthew 1:21, giving us the earthly names of our Lord. They are Jesus and Savior, inasmuch as He came, not to rule, but to bring salvation to His people. Therefore, submitting His names to numbers (Gematria), in both Greek and Hebrew they are numbered 888, Jesus, and 14 Savior. Multiply these numbers to arrive at the number of days in His earthly existence and the product is 12,432 days. In the year 33, Passover fell on April 3rd. Count back 12,432 days and you come to March 20/21, the Spring solstice in the year 00. To find His birth, go forward 280 days for conception to birth and you come to Christmas day, December 25, 00.
On August 29, 2022, I was led to understand that Labor Day, September 5 was to be the day that was foreseen in past posts as the American National Holiday around which the rapture would happen. September 5, 2022 was to be the target for the rapture. But as of that day, the full count was 21 days short of the days of Jesus human life. There was yet 21 days needed to fill the count. That count came to the Feast of Trumpets. That is when Daniel 10 came to mind. I have often written of its being repeated. From September 4/5 to September 25/26 is exactly those days of delay, just as was experienced by Daniel in chapter 10 of the Bible. The rapture is a rescue, just as the release from Babylon in his day was a rescue. And why the delay of 21 days? Because of the war going on in heaven as Michael once again defeats the satanic archangel trying to prevent the rapture. I believe that Satan is thrown down to the earth at this time, even as Philadelphia goes up to meet the Lord.
All glory to God for His never ending mercies.
Gerry Almond