Gerry Almond (11 Sep 2022)
"Are we now in the final 21 days? With only 14 days left?"

September 10, 2022

Are we now in the final 21 days? With only 14 days left?

Daniel chapter 10 records an event similar in many respects to the rapture/rescue of God's children who are rapture ready. His Churches, called Philadelphia and Laodicea have living members on earth today, while the former five have all died and await the great resurrection of the dead in Christ. But, sadly, the only one ready for the rapture is Philadelphia. Laodicea will be known as the left behind Church, because it is the Church in (love with) the world. It accepted salvation, but did not choose to follow Jesus as He had commanded us to do.

Daniel, an ancient prophet, was taken captive on his birthday by the Babylonian Empire as it conquered and sacked Jerusalem and Israel. He understood, by reading the scroll of the prophet Jeremiah that the captivity was to last 70 years, and so, he was now 70 years old and it was his birthday. He prayed and waited for his God to deliver him and the Israelites from bondage in Babylon. Alas, the deliverance did not come. All was silent. Daniel was very upset by this “failure” of God to deliver him, but instead of railing against God, he went to prayer. And Scripture says that “after 21 days, fully come, he was given a vision in which he learned that the 21 days had been war in heaven between the chief archangel of Satan and Michael, the chief archangel of heaven, which Michael won. So, the deliverance was on time, but on earth it was delayed by 21 days.

I believe this is now being repeated. Here is why and how I think I know.

In previous messages, I remember postings saying that the rapture would come on or near a national holiday in America. Either Memorial Day, Independence Day, or Labor Day. I felt all along that it would be on a Labor Day because God often waits until the last time to do His wondrous works so that He alone, receives the glory. On August 29th this year, the Lord seemed to give me a message in my head that this date was an alert signal. I counted 7 days (as in the days of Noah, he was alerted 7 days ahead of the rains), and it came to September 5th, Labor Day. If the rapture was to be in 2022, as a few postings indicated would be the case, then this should be our day. September 5th came and went and my mind immediately flew to Daniel. The rapture is going to be very much like the deliverance from Babylonian captivity. If it took 21 days back then because of the war in heaven, then why not again, because Satan will war with this all over again, I think. So I added 21 days to September 5th.

9/5/2022-----------------------21 days ---------------------------9/25/2002 inclusive count. \

That is Rosh Hoshana, the Feast of Trumpets, day one, 2022. This Feast is 3 days in length,

Why do I think this well may be our day? Because Jesus fulfilled the first 3 sacred feasts in His death, burial and resurrection back in 33. The Holy Spirit fulfilled the 4th Feast on Pentecost 33. The Feast of Trumpets is the 5th Feast and is now ready to fulfill, if 2022 is the year. And I believe that it is.

Here is why I believe that it is. In 1988, on September 11-13, the Feast of Trumpets occurred and on that Feast, I believe that Jesus came for His bride, but she was asleep, and not ready. The account of that is found in the Song of Solomon, chapter 5. He came to the door, she finally roused up, but too late, for He was gone back to heaven. She searched for Him all over the place, and as she did, the watchmen in the city found her and beat her up badly, even taking away her veil. This exactly describes what happened to those of us who believed in the message of “88 Reasons why the Rapture will be in 1988” by Edgar Whisenant back in 1988 and well beyond. I assure you, howeve, that it was a real event and a real message. And I offer this as the proof of this bold statement. Unlike Camping and White, Whisenant was a devout, born again child of God and he took nothing from his sales of books, which came to millions of dollars, but reinvested the money in more books. He sent these books to 435,000 pastors and evangelists world wide.

Jesus life span was 12,432 days from conception to death on the cross. It is determined by the formula given in Matthew 1:21 which gives us His earthly names. They are Jesus and Savior. Gematria assigns these numbers to the names: Jesus = 888 and Savior = 14. When multiplied, the result is 12,432 days.

From the Feast of Trumpets on September 11-13, 1988 to the Feast of Trumpets September 25-27, 2022 is exactly and to the day 12,432 days, the lifespan of Jesus our Bridegroom. To me, this is Jesus signature to us that the above is true.

Thus, I believe that the rapture will occur sometime during the Feast of Trumpets, 2022. And the 21 days delay, seals the date.


Gerry Almond