Jesus was not just blowing hot air when said that He will give us a "HEADS UP" warning sign JUST BEFORE our nearing redemption / resurrection & rapture. He said that "WHEN WE SEE" this 'WARNING SIGN ' we will THEN know that our RAPTURE is the NEXT EVENT on His last-days prophetic agenda. In the following Scriptures, the word "REDEMPTION" is speaking of the EXCHANGE of our natural bodies for our Spiritual bodies which can then enter into heaven which is what happens at the resurrection & rapture of His Elect Body of Christ Church according to :
Romans 8:23
"Ourselves also, which have the 'Firstfruits of the Holy Spirit' waiting for our adoption which is the REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY."
Ephesians 1:13-14
"You were sealed with the 'Holy Spirit of Promise' which is the earnest ( down payment ) of our inheritance until the REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION ( our body has been purchased with Christ's blood on the cross }."
Luke 21:28 ( Jesus promises us our "heads up" warning sign just before our rapture )
"WHEN these things BEGIN to come to pass, THEN look up and 'LIFT UP YOUR HEADS' , because YOUR REDEMPTION ( rapture )DRAWS NEAR."
Jesus said , "WHEN these things BEGIN " in ( Luke 21:28 ) He is speaking of "THESE THINGS" which He had just previously described beginning with ( Luke 21:20-24 ) in which Jesus stated, "WHEN YOU SHALL SEE Jerusalem compassed with armies ( the Gog-Magog armies ) know that the DESOLATION thereof IS NEAR."
Jesus said, "WHEN THESE THINGS BEGIN" He is speaking of the BEGINNING of the Gog-Magog War of God's tribulation judgment exclusively upon the Nation of Israel AS OUR "HEADS UP' WARNING SIGN THAT "OUR REDEMPTION ( resurrection & rapture ) IS NEAR."
The Gog-Magog War of God's tribulation judgment exclusively UPON ISRAEL comes immediately BEFORE OUR RAPTURE, and then God's great tribulation judgment comes upon the WHOLE WORLD immediately AFTER OUR RAPTURE.
Jesus is not just blowing hot air when He says that WHEN the Gog-Magog War, exclusively upon the Nation of Israel BEGINS, it is OUR "HEADS UP" WARNING SIGN FROM HIM THAT "OUR REDEMPTION ( resurrection & rapture ) DRAWS NEAR".
According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !