Garry B (18 Sep 2022)



Does God want peace on earth before the second coming of Jesus to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords ? Let's take Him at His word according to :


Ezekiel 38:16 ( The prophecy of the Gog-Magog War exclusively upon Israel )

"And thou shall come up AGAINST My people of Israel ...It shall be in the latter days, that I WILL BRING THEE AGAINST MY LAND , O' GOG,...."


Does Jesus want peace on earth ? Let's take Him at His word according to :


Matthew 10:34  ( Jesus speaking of the coming Gog-Magog War )

"Think NOT that i have come TO BEING PEACE ON EARTH. I came NOT TO BRING PEACE , but a SWORD ( war )." 


Luke 12: 49 & 51 ( Jesus speaking of the coming gog-Magog War )

"I have come to send FIRE ON THE EARTH , and I WILL IT TO BE ALREADY KINDLED. Suppose ye that I have come to give peace on earth ? I tell you, NO, but rather division."


As you read the following Scripture remember that it Is Jesus who OPENS THE SEALS, and it is He that sends out the riders on the horses with their respective MISSIONS which HE HAS ASSIGNED to them :


Revelation 6:3-4 ( Jesus is fulfilling the prophecy of the Gog-Magog War exclusively upon Israel )

"And when HE OPENED THE SECOND SEAL there went out another horse that was red, and power WAS GIVEN TO HIM that sat thereon TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH , and that they should KILL one another ; and there was GIVEN UNTO HIM A GREAT SWORD."




When Jesus opens the SECOND SEAL He puts in motion the events which fulfill the prophecy of the Ezekiel 38 War, AKA the Gog-Magog War , which is exclusively upon the Nation of Israel. The Gog-Magog War  event occurs BEFORE Jesus opens the SIXTH SEAL in which He will fulfill the prophecy of the REDEMPTION , ie. the resurrection & rapture , of His Elect Body of Christ Church according to :


Luke 21:28 ( Jesus giving us our "HEADS UP" warning sign )

"WHEN these things BEGIN to happen, THEN look up, and lift up your heads BECAUSE YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR."


According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !