Friedrich Wenz (18 Sep 2022)
"Getting Ready - "For 2000 years we have been waiting for this moment" ..."

May 2, 2022:   Getting Ready: Temple Institute Practices Burning the Red Heifer

Israeli professor involved in test of the Red Heifer ritual calls it an “historical moment” on the road to purity and redemption.

….The reason why so many Christians are enamored with the Red Heifer is because they, too, understand that the Third Temple means not only redemption for Jews, but also redemption of the world. Likewise, both Jews and Christians share the belief that when Messiah will arrive, he will enter the Temple. So, for him to come, there must be a Temple.

…Though in contemporary Israeli society the Red Heifer is relegated to the realm of the delusional, there are still enough who are doing everything they can to make all the necessary preparations for the building of the Third Temple, and that includes breeding red heifers and practicing the ceremonial burning of the calf.

…The Temple Institute has recently done just that: Experimenting with the meticulous rabbinic rituals surrounding the red heifer. The effort includes burning a dead cow on a kind of a wooden altar. Into the burning fire were also thrown cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet-dyed wool. The experiment was designed to check the amount of ash produced, and whether it would be enough to purify every Israelite living today.

According to the Jewish Voice news portal, Prof. Zohar Amar of the Department of Land of Israel Studies at Bar-Ilan University took part in the experiment and described it as an historical moment. “For 2000 years we have been waiting for this moment,” said Prof. Amar, “when Jews will look into and experiment realistic possibilities for the renewal of purity in Israel.”




September 15, 2022:   Red Heifers arrive in Israel


On Thursday, September 15, 2022, 5 PM, 5 perfect, unblemished red heifers arrived in Israel from the USA. A modest ceremony was held at the unloading bay of the cargo terminal at Ben Gurion airport, where the new arrivals were greeted and speeches were made by the incredible people who have put their hearts and souls and means into making this historic/prophetic day become a reality.






Does the arrival of five red heifers in Israel signal third temple, end times?


The five cows – bred by a Christian rancher in the U.S. – landed in Israel on Thursday

Five red heifers arrived in Israel on Sept. 15, 2022. (Photo: Boneh Israel)


Five rabbi-approved red heifers arrived from Texas on Thursday to a ceremonious welcome at Ben-Gurion Airport – and touched off a whirlwind of speculation as to the prophetic significance of their presence in Israel and whether we are barreling toward a third-temple period or the "last days."


The cows have been inspected by rabbis and were found to be red and unblemished, which means they are ritually pure for sacrifice as stipulated under the law of Moses. In order for someone following Mosaic law to become ritually pure, the ashes of a red heifer are required, according to the Book of Numbers.

“This is a requirement of the law that the Lord has commanded: Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke." Numbers 19:2

The farmers, in Texas, knew enough of the requirements and did not tag the ears of these cows leaving them unblemished.


The presence of these heifers in Israel means that if the temple were to be rebuilt – or if it comes down from the sky, as some believe – sacrifices could already begin and temple service could be restored.

This signifies to many Jews that redemption is now possible. Jews believe that the ashes of a red heifer are needed for purification. Christians believe that Jesus became the once-and-for-all sacrifice needed for salvation.

The Christian organization, Boneh Israel, located the cattle and, along with the Temple Institute, was responsible for getting them to Israel. Earlier in the year, rabbis from the Temple Institute went to Texas to inspect the cows.

While Christians and Jews believe that the third temple signals the End Times or a Messianic era, the third temple is also associated in the New Testament with the "man of perdition," or the anti-Christ, who will be manifested at that time and help build the temple. (2 Thessalonians 2:4)


Does the arrival of the heifers in Israel set in motion the coming of the Messiah – or the return of Jesus, as Christians believe?

Does it mean we've entered the fast track toward the end times and tribulation?

ALL ISRAEL NEWS will be trying to answer these questions and will be following this interesting development this week.

Numbers 19:1-10 talks about "The Water of Cleansing:"


Upon landing in Israel, the cows entered a 10-day quarantine.  



Sept. 15, 2022 plus 10 days …Sept. 25,  2022 = Erev Rosh Hashana


Getting Ready…


Come Lord Jesus