Fay (25 Sep 2022)
"Chance re More Info on end of Elul"


Hi Chance, John and Doves,

Your post linked below, Chance. You asked for my thoughts on Natan and his visit to heaven in 2015. I have to tell you that Natan's testimony is what has kept me going strong these past 7 years. Every time I get disheartened, I remember Natan's visit to heaven and the incredible information he received. I have absolutely no doubt that it happened and that it was all from God Almighty.

I think you will find the following very interesting. Natan was taken to heaven on the first day of Sukkot in 2015. This date is 15th Tishrei every year. 15th Tishrei fell on September 28th in 2015. It was also the night of the last blood moon of the 2014/2015 tetrad. This year of 2022, the first day of Sukkot (15th Tishrei) falls on October 10th. I have recently had rather strong intuitive nudges regarding the significance of Sukkot as being our heads-up date. Almighty God didn't just choose a random date to take Natan to heaven. So, October 10th, 2022 (1st Sukkot) holds great significance for me. Interestingly, Yom Kippur falls on October 5th (10th Tishrei) this year. Which falls 5 days before Sukkot.

In his testimony, Natan was insistent that the outbreak of WW3 would happen within a few weeks of his televised testimony. Could this have been an important indicator? In other words - a couple of weeks after Sukkot. Then - after WW3 breaks out and the nations all unite to attack Israel - the intensity of the battle over and in Jerusalem will only last a couple of weeks. As Ken Potter points out - Natan was not aware that his God given prophecies would be taking place 7 years into the future.

It's vital to watch to Natan's testimony carefully and often. I have watched it umpteen times and I learn something new every time. A belated thank you to Ken Potter for his new, improved subtitles on Natan's testimony. Natan correctly spoke of a looming world war. He spoke of all the nations being involved. Well - all the nations are pretty much involved now. NATO and the USA. China is invested too -make no error. They are keeping a creepy low profile at present. The battle is taking place in the far North (Russia/Ukraine). God is going to put hooks in their jaws and drag them down to Israel. When it all begins to coalesce, I reckon things will escalate very, very quickly. In the meantime - I watch and wait for Sukkot.

I must quickly add that our own Jean Stepnoski has written some utter gems about Hanukkah in the past. Beautiful, stunning insights. I reckon this years Hanukkah is going to be something very, very special.

God's blessings to you, Chance and to all the Doves.

More Information For The End of Elul - High Watch Days (fivedoves.com)

15 year old Natan vision - Improved Subtitles - YouTube