Fay (18 Sep 2022)
"Truth from a Heckler ! Courage to be Applauded"


Hi John and Doves,

While I acknowledge that the death of Queen Elizabeth marks the end of an era of calm (no major European wars) and I admit to feeling emotional about her death - I can't deny the truth of what is. The age of the proletariat (we ordinary people) being dazzled by wealth and royal displays, is over. WELL over. We are not little flag-waving idiots anymore. Our innocence has been stripped away.

Charles is not very bright. He is not an intellectual. He is very much into the climate change stuff - at the expense of ordinary people.. He has no idea of the suffering of ordinary people. There have been a few articles and photos of his petulance and sense of entitlement. His brother, Andrew, is exactly the same. Classic cases of cognitive dissonance. They are totally unaware of the plight of others. Spoilt brats is the phrase I am looking for. The article and video below (short) highlights the true feelings of the majority. They are pointless figure heads. Much like our politicians.

King Charles stopped by man saying 'while we struggle to heat homes we have to pay for your parade' (msn.com).