Hi John and Doves,
Don't you find it strange and counter-productive that countries like the Netherlands have chosen this fragile moment in time to limit fertilizers for Dutch farmers? Apparently, this is happening because of "climate change" requirements and an over use of nitrogen in soil etc. In view of dire warnings of near-future food shortages - doesn't this strike you as weird? I mean, various countries are talking about approving fracking (UK, USA for e.g.) in order to combat energy resources. This flies in the face of their previous stances regarding climate change and environmentalism. Sensibly, they have realised that fracking etc., may be necessary to keep energy supplies going. Yet - strangely, fertilizer (nitrogen) appears to be non-negotiable. Huh? We keep being told that world-wide famine is looming, so why hamstring the Dutch farmers (2nd biggest food producing nation in the world) from producing at full volume? Using nitrogen as a "pollutant" tool? I have spent sleepless nights trying to figure it out - because there is always an angle. We need not kid ourselves. Our politicians are anything but altruistic!
I am sure you all remember the huge blast in Beirut on August 4th, 2020. This was caused by the haphazard storage of large amounts of ammonium nitrate (fertilizer). Stored in the port - when it exploded, it was epic. Please see 2nd link.
Let me get to the point. Fertilizer is a known component of destructive bomb making. The USA and Europe are sending vast amounts of ammunition and arms to Ukraine in this proxy war. Short of using nuclear weapons, ordinary (if we can use that word) weapons of war are running low. The supply is not limitless, people! Is it possible that "they" are building stockpiles of ammonium nitrate as necessary weapons of war? Thereby depriving farmers of this valuable nutrient? Please see the 1st link.
I cannot think of any other explanation. There is zero logic for the Dutch government's stance on cutting ammonium nitrate to the Dutch farmers at this fragile moment in time. Sure, the powers-that-be would like to kill off people by famine - but they have to win the war first.
I suspect something deeply nefarious is going on.
New $600M Arms Package For Ukraine Marks 21st Time US Draws From Own Stockpiles | ZeroHedge