Hi John and Doves,
It may mean something huge or it may not. Perhaps I am just being hopeful but this is too good not to post.
Years ago (perhaps John Tng may remember) I posted about a vivid dream I had about an old fashioned type train that was chugging through a forest toward me. It was a clear, star-filled night with a huge full moon. I knew, in the dream, that this train was coming to collect believers. It was such a beautiful, elegant train. Like something out of an Agatha Christie novel. Like the train used in the movie of the Orient Express. Hold that thought!
Our little village in Oxfordshire has a monthly village magazine. It's a proper little magazine too. Printed on glossy paper just like any other high end magazine. I received my September edition yesterday (Friday September 9th). It sat on my desk all day. Late evening, I suddenly looked at it and had this strong thought that there is something on the back of the magazine that is very important. I promise you all - the thought came out of nowhere. A full page advert on the back of the magazine held information for the Polar Express train ride. A Christmas event for families. The train is very much like the one in my dream. As you will see in the link, the Golden Ticket has the word BELIEVE written on it. Please see the picture in the link.
As I said, it could be a flight of fancy and/or wishful thinking but that STRONG thought I had - that came out of nowhere - told me there was something of great significance on the back of the magazine. And, of course, the beautiful train from my dream. I truly believe we are on the brink of something WONDERFUL. Hallelujah.
Please, LORD Jesus, let it be so.
The Polar Express Train Ride at Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - Red Kite Days