Hi John and Doves,
A short but profound video clip in the link. Neil Oliver receives letters from thousands of people - all expressing their pain at what is happening in our world. Neil finds that the common thread is the stripping away of trust in the political and medical powers-that-be. Most have had all illusions removed and are in deep mourning for their loss. They realise (at long last) that they need Jesus. Or, as Neil puts it, "A Jesus type figure". Which is close but not close enough to the powerful truth that we Bible believing Christians are privileged to know. But, the fact is that people are now searching - and that's the first step. Hallelujah. Neil quotes from CS Lewis and draws parallels between the Narnia story (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and LORD Jesus. Which is what CS Lewis wrote it to be.
My point is that a previously, extremely secular world are searching for Jesus. How wonderful is that? If the world was still comfortable and the biggest problems were what to watch on the telly or where to go on their next holidays, they wouldn't be searching for Jesus. With pain comes insight.
Please come, LORD Jesus.
Neil Oliver - '...they're acting in concert with each other...' - YouTube