Fay (11 Sep 2022)
"It has been 49 years since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. 7 x 7.  A Jubilee in 2023?"


Hey John and Doves,

This year of 2022 is widely considered a Shemita year. If we go back in time, 1973 was also a Shemita year. It stands to reason. Going by this logic, 2023 is a Jubilee year. Interestingly, Queen Elizabeth was declared queen in 1952 - a Shemita year. The Shemita year prior to that was 1945 - the end of the 2nd world war. 7 years prior to 1945 was 1938 - the year of Kristallnacht on November 9th, 1938. Kristallnacht was the night of Broken Glass in Germany. Where the Jewish people and their property began to be attacked by the Nazi regime. Keep going back 7 years x 2 and we arrive at 1917. Not only the year of the Russian Revolution but also the year of General Allenby's arrival in Jerusalem on December 11th 1917.. Please see the link.

1917: General Allenby Shows How a ‘Moral Man’ Conquers Jerusalem - Jewish World - Haaretz.com

Therefore, we can feel confident that our year of 2022 is, indeed, a Shemita year. The Yom Kippur war occurred in 1973. 49 years ago. 7x7 Shemita years ago. Which makes 2023 a Jubilee year! And we all know what happens on a Jubilee year!

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Please LORD Jesus.