Fay (11 Sep 2022)
"The Profound significance of the death of Elizabeth 2nd"


Hello John and Doves,

Queen Elizabeth has been a huge part of all our lives. Her service has spanned our lifetimes. She was a massive part of this world's story. A constant. A stay. Her death is prophetic. No doubt. Almighty God places Kings and Queens on their thrones. They would NOT have been placed there without Him. Daniel 2:21

Daniel 2:21 - Bible Gateway

Queen Elizabeth was allowed to reign for 70 years. With Almighty God's permission. We are currently in a state of utter chaos. Rampant satanism and corruption. It is in this atmosphere that King Charles 3rd has taken the throne. A king that has clearly stated his allegiance. Charles has said that we must pay obedience and allegiance to the climate change philosophy. Charles stated, at the WEF that there is a man "with trillions at his disposal" that we must follow. Instead of his mother's allegiance as "Defender of the (Christian) faith", Charles has opted for "Defender of the faiths". Plural.

Ye shall know them by their fruits - as scripture tells us. I don't think Charles could make his position any clearer. We have entered a very new and dangerous era.

I shall miss Queen Elizabeth. I was surprised by the emotion I felt at her passing. May she be with Almighty God.

Secret of the Queen’s soft power – across seven decades and 15 prime ministers (msn.com)

Matthew 7:16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? (biblehub.com)

Please come, LORD Jesus.