The feast of Trumpets is a two fold prophecy for the overcomers ( church saints ), and the tribulation saints. Anyone who enters the Seal judgements have entered the wrath of God.
The Covenant with Israel and many ( Daniel 9:27 ) will happen on the Feast of Trumpets, as well as the pre-tribulation resurrection/rapture.
The beast ( antichrist ) will take his seat in temple of God 1260 days in the middle of the 7 years of the Tribulation.
The Abomination that causes Desolation will be 1290 days into the Tribulation Dan 12:11
The next event is the 1335TH Blessed Day of Daniel Dan.12:12. EXACTLY 1335 DAYS FROM THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS this YEAR 2022 IS THE FEAST OF PENTECOST (year 2026). There was a resurrection on Passover weekend when Christ was crucified. The resaon is the Lord was fulfilling the three times Israel had to show up in Jerusalem. Next resurrection for the tribulation saints which happens at Pentecost at 7th Trump (Rev 14:14)
Folowing this leaves 1185 days for the Times of Jacob's trouble and the Day of the Lord begins to conclude the Tribulation
Also watch this month at the UN gathering when the Palestinian issue comes up. Perfect time to make a covenant with many. Probably allowing Israel to build the Temple and provide peace and security for Israel.
The Feast of Trumpets has not been fulfilled on church's calendar. Lord was crucified on Passover, buried on night of Unleavened Bread, raised on Festival of first Fruits, and sent Holy Spirit on Pentecost. A UN agreement would certainly be "many" nations.
Maranatha Lord