Seven Reasons to Watch Rosh Hashana 2022!!
(Sunday 25 to Tuesday 27 September 2022)
We are in a time when many signs of the Coming of the King are both strong and converging. The time just ahead is a time of very high watching, especially with Rosh Hashana as the gateway to the other Autumn/Fall Feasts of the Lord (Spring feasts in Australia). There are many reasons for anticipating Rosh Hashana, but I focus on just seven in this letter. Maranatha! In the words of Jesus, Behold I come quickly!!!
A 21 year timeline from 911
As we all know the sudden, quick and world changing 911 attacks took place on 11 September 2001. This was seven days before the first day of Rosh Hashana (18 September 2001). Rosh Hashana marks 21 (7+7+7) years (and 7 days) from the 911 terrorist attacks. If Rosh Hashana 22 is a key date, then there may be a warning event (or events) 7 days earlier (Monday 19 September).
Noah was given a 7 day warning of the coming flood! Noah’s family went into the Ark (day 1) and the flood began 7 days later (day 8). There are many flooding events in the world today!!
· Luke 17:26, 27 (Amplified) Just as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the time of the Son of Man 27 People were [eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage [they were indifferent to God] until the day that Noah went into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.
B Funeral of QE2 on 19th September 22 (11th day since passing and 7 days before Rosh Hashanah)
We know that there will be one worldwide event 7 days before Rosh Hashana - the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Probably one of the most watched funerals in history!! Protocol is for the funeral to be 10 days after death, but since the 10th day would be Sunday, the funeral has been delayed one day.
C 26 September Jupiter (type of Messiah) closest to Earth in 70 years!!
I am not an astronomical expert, but the You Tube is very interesting and warning in nature: Revelation 12 Sign: Jupiter at its nearest to Earth in 70 years on September 26th – right on the first day of Rosh Hashana!!! Jupiter is a type of the Messiah, so this astronomical sign is very important!!!
· The link to the You Tube is below. The You tube incorporates information on the Bood Moons and the Revelation 12 sign.
D 7 years from last Blood Moon in 2015
The last of the four Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015 occurred on 27 or 28 September 2015 (the date varying by location). Seven years is a key Biblical and prophetic timeline. Coming within the 25 to 27 September dates, this also makes Rosh Hashana 22 a time of high watching, including for judgment and darkness.
E 5 years from the Revelation 12 Sign in 2017
The remarkable Revelation 12 Sign took place in the heavens on 23 September 2017, pointing to the Male Child (Manchild) being caught up to God and His Throne (Revelation 12:5) and the Dragon (Satan) seeking to destroy the Woman (Israel/ remnant of Israel - Revelation 12:6). Another pointer to Rosh Hashanah 22 – another two years could mark 7 years in the unveiling of God’s Eternal Purposes!!
F Coming of the King - King Charles - heralding the coming of Our King?
The death of Queen Elizabeth II came quite quickly in the end. Prince Charles became King – Charles III. This represents a major shift in the (often unseen) forces of world empires, with QE2 having reigned for over 70 years!! And just before Rosh Hashana! Could this foreshadow the even greater spiritual birth pangs – the imminent Coming of Our King the Lord Jesus Christ? The Rapture or other world changing events?
Revealing of the Antichrist? The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea.
Tim Cohen published an interesting book back in 1998 (3*666): The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea. There is an overview at the link below. While I think the (final) Antichrist is another, King Charles could be a forerunner! He holds dual roles as Head of the (secular) Commonwealth (around 2.5 billion people) and of the Anglican Church!!! What timing - just before the Fall Feasts!!
There are other events that are unravelling before our eyes, and this is just a few pieces of the puzzle that is becoming clearer - through the lens of prophetic Scriptures and sharing as we do, as Doves!! The journey may have been long but our destination - the Rapture taking us (the Bride) to glory in the twinkling of an eye is imminent, as are Yahweh’s purposes for the nation of Israel (the apple of his eye).
Denis in Canberra!! Maranatha!!