Chance (25 Sep 2022)
"Violent Protests Across Iran - Demand Regime Change"

Hello John and Doves,
The final straw in Iran?
A young woman, Masha Amini, went to Tehran to visit family...on the way she encountered the "morality police" and was arrested for "failing to fully cover her hair".  "Three days later, she was dead."
This has "ignited a wave of protests across the country, exposing a raw anger among Iranian women about their treatment by the regime and an unprecedented willingness to defy the government."
"Many people are pointing out that this could be my daughter, my sister, my wife...This has shaken people, that every time a woman leaves home, she might not come back."
In Iran, women have been burning their headscarves - women have been required to wear the mandatory veil or hijab since the Iranian Revolution in 1979.  The new Iranian president, Raisi, was elected in June - under him the government "has deployed more morality police units, who patrol the streets to ensure women adhere to the regime's strict female dress code."  This has results in 'horrific' violence to women.
"For the Iranian government, "the compulsory hijab is not just a small piece of cloth.  It is like the main pillar of the Islamic Republic...When mullahs took power in Iran...they forced women to wear the hijab. Why?  Because they use our bodies like a political platform.  So they write their own ideology on our bodies."
The current regime doesn't want to concede on this because they may be "asked" to concede on other mandatory rules.  It's responded to the protesters with 'overwhelming' force - opening fire on unarmed protesters.
Wave of protests in Iran reflects seething anger over how its regime treats women
Today, September 24, at least 50 people have been killed by the current regime's thugs. This follows 8 days of demonstrations.  Students at Tehran's University chanted "Death to the dictator".  Women across Iran are standing up to this regime with their "Hair Revolution" - "Iranian regime have guns and bullets but they are scared of our hair."
President Raisi is accusing "Iran's enemies" for instigating the protests.  Iranian Revolutionary Guard "launched a cross-border artillery attack on opposition bases in largely Kurdish northern Iraq...claiming that Iranian Kurdish dissidents were behind the ongoing unrest."
Death toll in Iran rises as Mahsa Amini protests persists
The US, Europe and counter-revolutionary groups are being blamed for flaming the fires of the revolution.
These protests are very violent - involving handguns, shotguns, Molotov cocktails, burning police stations and government buildings, destroying security vehicles,blocking roads...and a large picture of Ali Khamanei was burned in the center of Tehran.  Statues, pictures of Ali Khamenei are being burned and destroyed.  The protesters want the arrest, prosecution and execution of Ali Khamenei.
Protesters in Iraq and Kurdistan have joined the Iranians.
Rumors are that the protests have spread to some 40 cities in Iran.  And that Israel and the U.S. are 'encouraging' the Kurds to do what they can to 'incite civil conflict'.  (I guess like the Democrats' 'let no crisis go to waste')  The city of Oshnavieh is under control of the protesters - the security/police fled the city.  In Tehran, over 1 million people have taken to the streets.  The Biden Administration is helping get internet access to Iranians - to help the people get the word out.  Elon Musk is activating Starlink internet service there.  Israel is helping the Kurds with these protests.
The situation in Iran is critical: Israeli special forces in Azerbaijan to support the Kurds - Chaos in 40 cities (video) - WarNews247
"Women's anti-hijab movement opens 'gates of hell'.  "Iran on fire:  US-Israel's last chance to topple Khamenei" -  Here it's being reported that the situation in Iran is critical..."It is a given that the USA and Israel will rush to take advantage of the bomb that has been detonated in the foundations of Iranian Kurdistan and is spreading throughout the country.  It may even be their last chance to overthrow the Islamic regime from within before the Israeli attack on the nuclear facilities."
Iran on fire: US-Israel last chance to topple Khamenei - Mahsha Amini detonated a bomb at the foundations of Iranian Kurdistan - WarNews247
"Iranian Americans are staging demonstrations across the United States this weekend in solidarity with ongoing protests in Iran over the death of a 22-year-old woman who collapsed while in custody of morality police."  Boston, MA - also California, Rhode Island, Florida and other states are seeing these protests.
Iranian Americans are demonstrating across the US in support of protesters in Iran
The Khomenei may call out the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to quell the protests.  Thousands of protesters have already been arrested across Iran.
I have great admiration for people who stand up to their oppressive governments and make their demands known.  As we've seen - voting doesn't have the same effect and usually accomplishes nothing.  Morsi (Moslem Brotherhood) was removed when millions of Egyptians hit the streets and demanded he step down; he stepped down and the Moslem Brotherhood was declared a terrorist organization.
The United States has a tyrannical evil government destroying the country and going after the citizens - with their worthless mask mandates, business destroying six foot rules, life destroying "vaccine" mandates, destroying the country's energy independence, selling off our natural gas and emergency oil reserves, destroying livelihoods, businesses, people's health - bringing death and disability to millions.  We are just sitting back watching them flood the country with millions of illegals - drugs, pedophiles, child trafficking, human trafficking...and pushing their 'personal' wars on the world. 
And their 'climate emergency' dictates will soon be upon us!   Will Americans bow to THEM or will we take to the streets and demand our country back?
It took one young woman to be murdered to ignite the flame of freedom in Iran.  What will be America's 'last straw'?  Before it's too late and our submission/their control is complete.
If it's God's will/judgment that brings this to America, so be it.  But no one should just give up their God-given freedoms.  Jesus stood up to the Sandhedrin through out his ministry - and then He went to the cross to fulfill His purpose and the prophecies about Him.  We need to stand up and do what is right and good...until we fulfill our purpose on this earth and the prophecies about us - His followers - are fulfilled - all the way up to the Rapture. 
Brace yourself!  We are in the storm!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!