Hello John and Doves,
The last seven days we had several BIG quakes: four were 7.0/7 plus!9/23 there was a 6.2 off the west coast of northern Sumatra9/23 there was a 6.1 near Ancud, Chile9/22 there was a 7.0 SSW of Aguililla, Mexico.9/19 there was a 6.8 off the west coast of Mexico.9/19 there was a 7.6 off the west coast of Mexico. SSE of La Placita de Morelos, Mexico.9/18 there was a 7.2 SE Taiwan.9/17 there was a 7.0 off the east coast of Taiwan.And a few days before:9/14 there was a 7.0 off Loyalty Islands.9/10 there was a 7.6 off Papua New Guinea.Concerning the 9/19 Mexico quake:"A magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled Mexico's Pacific coast on Monday ....Repercussions of the tremor extended as far as 1,500 miles north, where four-foot tall waves began churning inside a Death Valley cave called Devils Hole, in what the National Park Service called a "surprising quirk of geology". Video footage of the phenomenon - which is technically known as a seiche, when sudden changes are observed in a lake or partially enclosed body of water - shows a bird's eye view of the cave as its initially still water erupts into a series of waves that roil and crash intermittently over the course of several minutes...The cave itself is several hundreds of feet deep, as the park service noted in a news release explaining the "desert tsunami" recorded late Monday morning, but its relatively shallow water level is crucial for the endangered marine special, called pupfish, that live there."...Monday's earthquake was the first of two powerful tremors that shook Mexico this week. A second happened further inland near the country's capital, Mexico City, early on Thursday. It was given a preliminary magnitude of 6.8..."
Mexican earthquake triggers 4-foot waves in Death Valley National Park — 1,500 miles away - CBS News
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexico-earthquake-triggers-4-foot-waves-death-valley-national-park/Concerning the Taiwan quakes:Pastor Paul Begley reports - "Breaking; "Another 7.0 Quake Hits Taiwan."
(979) Breaking: “Another 7.0 Quake Hits Taiwan” - YouTuberun time 3:20Just add these to everything else that's going on.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance