Chance (25 Sep 2022)
"WEF - Billions Will Comply With Climate Restrictions"

Hello John and Doves,
The "elites" (members of the WEF) believe that WE, the people will comply with their climate lockdowns because we obeyed them during Covid.
'Climate change', 'climate emergency', was the brain-child of the Club of Rome (a group of powerful, rich evil elites) way back - they got together and tried to figure out how they could do their depopulation and get the public to buy into it - oh, the planet....people are changing the climate and it gets worse as the population increases....too many people....we have too many people for the planet to survive.  That was their ticket.  Al Gore, Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Prince Philip (of course - he wanted to be reincarnated as a virus to come back and do his part to decrease the population - and his son, King Charles carries on with the WEF/Great Reset) are a few of the members.  The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine etc all have helped the Club of Rome more towards their New World Order.  And their plans involve destroying the industrialized nations and depopulating the world.  We can see how that is working with the U.S., and other Western countries - and all of this is getting worse and worse.
The Club of Rome wants the world population around 500 million - but less than one billion.
In 1991, the Club of Rome published a book called 'The First Global Revolution'.  In that book, they admitted to inventing the climate change agenda as a 'common enemy' of mankind.

The Club of Rome's world government, climate-change hoax and depopulation agenda exposed! : worldnews

The WEF is an continuation of the Club of Rome.
"Klau Schwab's World Economic Forum has declared that Covid-19 pandemic-related lockdowns have proved that "billions of citizens across the world" would comply with global restrictions on freedoms for the sake of "climate change".  In an article published by the WEF, the organization lauds how "billions" of people complied with Covid "restrictions", arguing that they would do the same under the guise of reducing carbon emissions."
"Titled "My Carbon:  An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities," the article suggests that the same fear tactics could be used to impose further "restrictions" on the general public.  The subject of the piece is how to convince people to adopt "personal carbon allowance programs."  The article notes that the improvements in tracking and surveillance technology are "helping to overcome political resistance".  ("My Carbon" link below.)
"It continues by commenting on how "a huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world."  This included masks, mass vaccinations, the six foot rule, contact-tracing, etc.  That people complied with the lockdown mandates in spite of "overwhelming evidence of the harmful consequences such restrictions had on society."
"The article goes about their call for social-credit style carbon emissions rationing scheme....New social norms would also be created to define what "a fair share" of personal emissions represents and determine "acceptable levels" of personal emissions."  
"The organization has also called for a ban on private car ownership, arguing that it's is "wasteful" for the public to own their own vehicles."
This article includes this link to Yuval Harari's recent comment, "..we just don't need the vast majority of the population...".
WEF: Lockdowns Prove 'Billions' Will Comply with Climate 'Restrictions' - Slay News
In this WEF article (link below):  "Keeping track of energy consumption in the home and motivating people to make lifestyle changes and to contribute your share towards the betterment of the environment." 
They plan is to push their "My Carbon" on the populations via three methods:
Economic behavior - "Increased cost for carbon-intensive activities and goods.  Economic incentives to reduce demand and improve efficiency."
Cognitive Awareness - "Raised visibility of personal carbon footprints.  Raised awareness of personal carbon limits to sustain the transition to a net-zero-carbon society."
Social Norms - "New definition of a fair share of personal emissions.  Setting of acceptable levels of persona emissions."
This is total control of people.  We are seeing the beginnings of this with their increased gasoline and diesel prices.  With their increased electricity and natural gas prices.  With their increased food prices.  With their increased fertilizer prices and increase in EPA regulations and shutting down of farmers/ranchers and the destruction of food distribution centers, warehouses and culling of millions of chickens, turkeys.  With their purposeful attack on supply chains .  With their demolition of the U.S. dollar and other currencies.  With the transfer of the people's 'wealth' to Big Pharma, the military industrial complex, corrupt politicians, etc.  With the open borders - flooding countries with criminals, gang members, CCP soldiers (and other militaries), lethal drugs, giving these people free phones, free health care, free education, free transportation, free housing.  Western civilization is being destroyed by these evil elites doing satan's bidding.
It's possible that this 'elite' group of people know who the Antichrist is now...per Prince Charles' speech the end of last year, 2021 concerning a 'man with trillions at his disposal' to use a military-style campaign to reach their goals...and offers the only real prospect of achieving economic transition.'
(977) Prince Charles trips at COP26 before saying 'War-like footing' needed in climate fight - YouTube
run time 2:37
Now that Covid is no longer a pandemic - per Biden - the next step is push for "climate change" - measuring carbon footprints, imposing carbon credits, control of CO2 emissions, etc.
THEY will not let up on us.  But nothing they do passes by God without His approval.  As we move along towards The Tribulation. They expect us to kowtow to them.  But as they take more and more control of the economies, the money, the will become very, very difficult.  But first - they need to really reduce the population.  How?  Another 'virus', 'vaccines', WWIII, famine,
How 'important' these people will be to the Antichrist is what God will allow.  Maybe they will be around to help the Antichist, maybe not.  Maybe their plans will come to fruition...maybe not.  But we know, everything prophesied in The Bible will come to pass.  And we know these people are minions of satan.
God's plans will always stand firm.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!