Chance (18 Sep 2022)
"The U.N. Warns Europe - No Fossil Fuels!  and the COP27 Climate Conference"

Hello John and Doves,
The "elites", globalists, corporations, politicians, etc. can make everything that's going on in the world look like by accident, or by Russia, or by nature, or by "the pandemic"...but this collapse is planned by them (the Great Reset) - approved by satan.
And right now, as the "Covid"/vaccine attack on mankind is taking a bit of a back burner...for now, people are feeling the kick of food prices and energy prices...there is much worry in the West about heating homes, businesses this coming winter.
Anyone can see that the U.S., European countries - are not ready to leave fossil fuels ...and we've been told a harsh winter is coming, especially for Europe and parts of the U.S.
Yet, the U.N. is warning Europe that countries must not return to fossil fuels "under any circumstances".
U.N. Demands European Nations Reject Fossil Fuels over Energy Crisis
Everyone knew that as more sanctions were put on Russia, Russia would just shut off the tap - no more natural gas to Europe.  Russia has done this before...many times.  So this is not a surprise that as more sanctions are put on Russia by the West, that Russia would respond by stopping the flow of natural gas to European countries.  It's a given.
Everyone knew this cut would send gas prices sky high.  And to do this while countries are trying to recover from the Covid fiasco wasn't an accident.  This was all known.  All part of the Plan.
But it's not just Russia causing these high prices:  energy taxes (federal and state), tariffs and fees that country's parliaments put on natural gas is a big part of the skyrocketing cost along with the companies that provide the oil/gas - which are making huge profits!  "Italy gets it natural gas from Azerbaijan.  In Azerbaijan, methane costs 23.5 cents per liter.  In Italy it costs $2.73 per liter....So don't blame Putin for your energy bills, storm your National Parliaments and demand the removal of all energy taxes, tariffs and fees....You and your jobs are being killed, and the friends of the politicians and the politicians are making a killing."
EUROPE: As heating costs skyrocket, Consumers need to remember this one fact | From Rome
I hadn't thought really about the big corporations 'taking advantage of the situation' - as we keep being told this is all Russia's fault - and I see many if not all of these corporations are making record profits while customers face soaring energy bills.  So I decided to do some looking into this:
"In recent months, the soaring cost of wholesale oil and gas globally has led to surging profits for oil and gas companies, who have benefited from the rising prices.  BP has reported huge profits of 6.9 billion British pound between April and June.  It is the second highest in the company's history and triple the figure made in the same three months last year." 
Energy prices: What is the windfall tax in the UK? - The Big Issue
"The electricity company (ESB Group) saw revenues of 3.7 billion euro in the first six months of 2022, a 1.5 billion euro increase on the same period last year." 
ESB Group reports huge rise in profits | The Independent
I took a look at my electricity company's profits - "Xcel Energy gross profit for the quarter ending June 30, 2022 was $1.981B, a 10.42% increase year-over-year.  Xcel Energy gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2022 was $7.855B, a 4.03% increase year-over-year."
Xcel Energy Gross Profit 2010-2022 | XEL | MacroTrends
There has been a big of help with prices - The new UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has announced a price cap on natural gas "to shelter households from the 80% increase scheduled for next month and more price resets slated for January and April 2023."  "With the cap, we expect inflation to end the year around 10%."
Europe's Policymakers Grapple With Soaring Natural Gas Prices | Seeking Alpha
Also, last May, "British lawmakers approved a 25% windfall tax on oil and gas producers in the British North Sea...which the government says will raise 5 billion pounds ($5.95 billion) in on year to help people struggling with soaring energy bills." 
UK lawmakers approve windfall tax on oil and gas producers | Reuters
We don't need experts telling us that children, the elderly will die without heating.  Yet, the U.N. rights chief Nada Al Nashif said, "some E.U. member states are turning to investments in fossil fuels infrastructure and supplies" and declared they must stop...."It is essential to accelerate the development of energy efficiency projects and renewables."
"Up to 60 per cent of factories in the UK are now reportedly facing possible closure over a massive surge in their energy bills."
"Home heating prices in the UK this winter will be nearly triple the levels from a year ago.
Europe Energy Crisis: UK Homes Will Pay 178% More for Heat This Winter
"A cold winter could test Germany's gas supply and any shortage won't be foreseeable until its too late, the head of the country's energy regulator told a newspaper on Thursday.  "If we get a very cold winter, we have a problem"..."There have already been more gas outflows in the past few days than I had hoped...In view of the warm temperature and the extremely high gas prices, I was very surprised.  That has to change."
Cold winter could test Germany's gas supply, regulator warns | Reuters
"Scores of customers in Germany upset over their sky-high energy bills are regularly phoning up suppliers to complain about the surging prices, Reuters reported."  
"In Germany where households face a 480 euro rise in their gas bills, people are resorting to stockpiling firewood."
Germans are looking to firewood for energy as natural gas prices soar
"The cost of electricity in Texas is tightly tied to the price of natural gas, which has more than doubled since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February."  Texans are paying "at least 50% more than they did for their electric bills at this time last year."
Texans see skyrocketing energy bills as state exports more natural gas | The Texas Tribune
In the above article - Russia is being blamed for this 'doubling' of price.  Never let a good crisis go to waste....
Problem is this immediate, drastic push to renewables was announced by the Great Reset in 2020.  (Thus the need for Joe Biden as president of the U.S.)  A major change like this should be done over decades - not months. This type of change to move entire populations of countries from nonrenewable energy sources to renewable energy sources is slow - all the logistics of placement, design, manufacturing, maintenance, regulations, etc need to be worked out.  Then the solar panels, wind turbines set up, tested, etc...then slowly introduced into the system - increasing the % of renewable energy over time and taking into account days with no sun, no wind.  This was not done.  Natural gas is a clean, inexpensive energy source...This push by the WEF/Great Rest is being done by leaders of Western countries (The Netherlands, UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Coast Rica,  Scotland, Iceland, Germany, Denmark,  Norway, and others.) and large corporations that are on board with Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, King Charles, plan for their new world. 
Companies On Board With the WEF - Net Zero Agenda:
The Electricity Utility and Energy Technology companies are "involved in developing impact in the area of "systemic efficiency" to create zero-carbon cities, zones and region.  Stakeholders will focus on creating impact by both a) ramping up clean energy and b) maximizing energy effectiveness and efficiencies among the interfaces of energy, buildings and transportation."
Energy Utilities | World Economic Forum
So it's not surprising to see a company like BP making huge profits during this "transformation" as "Its ambition is to become a net-zero company by 2050...bp is pivoting from an international oil company producing resources to an integrated energy company delivering solutions to customers."
bp | World Economic Forum
And ExxonMobile is another large company - on board with WEF agenda - it too wants to become a net zero company by 2050.
And then there is Chevron - on board with WEF agenda - "Chevron sets net zero aspiration.....Chevron's 2050 equity upstream Scope 1 and 2 net zero aspiration builds on the company's disciplined approach to target setting and actions." 
Chevron Sets Net Zero Aspiration and New GHG Intensity Target —
"Exxon and Chevron posted record profits during the second quarter of 2022 as high commodity prices boosted operations..."
Exxon (XOM) and Chevron (CVX) earnings Q2 2022
China Is Exempt from "Net Zero Aspirations":
Meanwhile, China's "carbon footprint" and CO2 emission continues to climb as the CCP has "built over three times as much coal-fired electrical power capacity in 2020 as the rest of the world combined."  China is considered a "developing" country and as such, doesn't have to meet any "climate change" rules.
U.N. Demands European Nations Reject Fossil Fuels over Energy Crisis
And who dominates and is the largest market in the world for solar panels?  China.  If the WEF wants the West to go solar and is serious about solar - why isn't the West dominating this field?  Instead of the country with the biggest carbon foot print by far??   China produces well over twice as much CO2 as the US!
10 Top Solar Panel Manufacturers Worldwide [Updated 2022]
The WEF/NATO KNEW what the sanctions on Russia would do to Europe - that's the whole plan - they can use Russia cutting Europe off of natural gas as part of their transition to "renewable energies".  THEY don't want these countries using natural gas for energy. THEY want zero CO2 emissions - no carbon footprints.  This is called going "cold turkey" - shut off the spigot and try to survive. In the meantime, the energy companies are making record profits - continuing with the biggest steal in history.  Massive amounts of money have been moved into the energy sector and to Big Pharma/Vaccine manufactures since the Great Reset started.
Knowing full well, there are not enough wind turbines or solar panels to replace the lose of natural gas.  This was planned.  But the plan isn't the "transition" - it's destruction and depopulation.
Will Wind and Solar Save the West?:
So why is the price of electricity produced by solar/wind increasing as gas price increases?  Renewable energies are "intermittent by their nature" - no wind, no sun, no electricity.  "So while the cost of wind, the cost of nuclear, the cost of solar have not changed, the entire market is getting a price based on gas.  It means some energy providers that are generating electricity without the use of gas are making an awful lot of money as they can charge higher prices.....the main issue is that the country is at the whim of a "badly designed market for the last century".  There needed to be changes to the market that based the price of electricity on its "cost", not on the basis of the cost of the most expensive fuel at any point in time."  This is per Dieter Helm, Professor of Economics Policy at the University of Oxford. 
Why the high cost of gas actually makes renewable energy such as wind and solar more expensive as well
So the price of electricity produced by solar, wind, nuclear isn't "cheap" - it's skyrocketing also due to greed.  The WEF KNEW this would happen.  As the corporations on board with the WEF are seeing record profits! They are rolling in the money!!
And it's not just European countries feeling the pain.  In the U.S., natural gas production was severely cut by Biden and "liquid natural gas producers in the U.S. are exporting more of their supplies to Europe" - which is paying a higher price.  Meanwhile, "Natural gas prices are soaring in the U.S. and they are expected to keep climbing."
The impact of the global natural gas shortage on the U.S.
The U.N./WEF/NATO is behind prodding Russia into Ukraine - a peace treaty could have come about months ago - but that's not in the plan.  While THEY attack our energy production/prices and food production/prices - They will blame Russia for the food and energy crises.  How convenient.  Makes a nice cover for what they are doing.
This "energy crisis" across the West is not about natural gas or solar panels or net zero CO2 production - it's about shutting down countries, destroying economies and depopulation.  And making the elites richer and richer as they steal every last penny they can before the whole thing implodes on itself.
This is all satan's plan to destroy God's world - he doesn't want a single thing for mankind that God wants.  Man is a pawn in the big scheme of things - all of God's creation is in satan's sights.  His war is with God and he'll attack all he can - taking as many souls with him as he can.  Destroying our world in the process.
The U.N./WEF don't want us to take one step back - they've worked so hard to get us to this point - accepting their rules - gutting our energy supplies or food systems.  This is all for control and depopulation.  They don't care about the planet - thus their huge and multiple homes, their never ending flights on big jets, their huge carbon foot prints - while they demand we decrease ours!  And we do what they say - they control the gas, the oil, the food.
I have written several letters to Doves about THEIR attack on the food systems - The Netherlands, the U.S., Canada - hitting the big producers.  They are spawning a global food crisis with mass starvation - of their making.  And I believe that "climate modification" is another one of their tools.
COP27 Climate Conference - November 6 - 18:
The next COP27 (U.N. climate conference) will be in November in Egypt.  The people of the world can hardly wait to see what THEY have planned for us next!
Oh, boy - here is comes - "The UN released a chilling report on climate change and global efforts to counter the warming planet earlier this year....As temperatures rise, tropical disease spread.  Hundreds of millions of people will be forced to migrate as agriculture collapses, the UN report said.  That's why COP27 this year - held in Sharm El Sheikh (located on the coast of the Red Sea), Egypt - is one of the most important to date.  A gathering of tens of thousands of officials, experts and influencers to refocus efforts on reducing emissions and managing climate change."  This meeting will be held from November 6 to 18.  Some 35,000 people are registered to attend.
Hopefully, this next "climate conference" will be held during The Tribulation - and they can knock themselves out with new rules, regulations, and net zero rubbish.
And in reading "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" - they'll have quite a bit of "climate change" to deal with.  Good luck with that!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!