Chance (18 Sep 2022)
"The Elites, WEF, King Charles"

Hello John and Doves,
We've seen several letters to Doves about Yuval Noah Harari, lead adviser to Klaus Schwab/WEF.  "...during a discussion at the Warwick Economics Summit on Friday, Harari said that "the world elites will be able to use their power to escape a global mass-extinction event."  

"According to Harari, so-called "elites" will be able to shield themselves from planetary catastrophes while the rest of humanity perishes.  He said that if climate change is not addressed..."a minority of people will have the resources, the wealth, the technology to protect themselves and flourish in some sort of Noah's ark."

WEF: 'Climate Change' Will Create 'Technological Noah's Ark' for 'Elites' - Slay News
So Harari thinks he can scare the "non-elites" into getting on board with the WEF climate agenda so they too can be saved from the coming "mass-extinction event" and get on board Noah's ark.  Like the elites care one bit about the peons they want wiped off the planet.
Prince Charles, with the death of Queen Elizabeth, has now become King Charles.  Charles was a major designer of The Great Reset of the WEF.  A powerful advocate of "climate change" (that he now calls a "climate crisis"), the green agenda (and its declaration of war on "non-renewable energy"), and most notably - depopulation.  He is an advocate of "carbon pricing" for goods and the CO2 "net zero" agenda that so many world leaders are pushing.  Many countries are trying to get carbon emissions down to zero - Canada, The Netherlands, The United States, Germany, etc.  No matter the cost to their economies, their people.  But that's not what all of this is about...
All of this is nothing but a power grab and push for control of the world's resources - land, water, minerals, etc, including the people - once the number has been reduced to an approved number.
On the Redacted channel on Youtube, Natali and Clayton Morris talk about King Charles and the WEF.  Prince Charles was the one who announced The Great Reset in 2020 - not Klaus Schwab.  They talk about what is happening in The Netherlands.  THEY are destroying the food (I wrote a letter to Doves about The Netherlands, Canada, the U.S. and what's going on to destroy the food, food production, food chains, etc.)
Why are THEY destroying the food base in The Netherlands (in Canada, in the U.S.)?  Whoever controls what's left of the food, controls the people!

(969) King Charles and WEF just aligned on Great Reset agenda | Redacted with Clayton Morris - YouTube
run time 26:47

I see nothing good coming from King Charles.  And Harari is in lockstop with Charles.  Charles will push his environmental agenda, but don't we fooled - that agenda is really depopulation and control of the people that are left.
Any coming planetary event will be God's judgment.  Do these people really think they can escape God's wrath??
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!