Bob Ware (4 Sep 2022)
"66 Bible books yield 888 and 2022 in Perfect Symmetry"


The center 17 rows of the first 3 columns of the ‘Prime List’ comprise the ‘Prime Cube’. In the attached diagram I placed the 39 books of the Old Testament next to the first 13 prime numbers in the first 3 columns of the ‘Prime List’. I then placed the 27 books of the New Testament below the Old Testament books next to the following 9 prime numbers in the first 3 columns. This top row of New Testament books aligned with the 14th row of prime numbers. The sum of the first 4 prime numbers in this 14th row (41 + 373 + 761 + 1193) total 2368 which is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. Note that 373 is the gematria of ‘LOGOS’ and 373 is the last of the 10 primes that total 888. These two sets of Bible books completely filled the 66 prime numbers above the ‘Prime Cube’ in perfect symmetry.


The sum of the 9th prime numbers in the first two columns in each of the three sets (Old Testament, New Testament and Prime Cube) equals the 1440 minutes in a day: 19, 73, 113, 347, 421 and 467.


The 14th prime number is 41. This is a unique relationship where the place holder is the mirror image of the prime number. The sum of the first four prime numbers in row 14 of my 'Prime List' is the Greek gematria for 'JESUS CHRIST' (41 + 373 + 761 + 1193 = 2368). 14 and 41 form the number string 1441. 1441 is the exact average value of the two sets of three prime numbers that make up the 'Prime Cross' (horizontal bar: 113 + 467 + 881 and vertical bar: 431 + 467 + 523). 1441 is the 16th Star of David number. 9/11/2001 was the 1441st day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle that ended on 10/2/2016. The sum of all 39 prime numbers that fall opposite the 39 books of the Old Testament plus 41 which falls opposite Matthew equals the 13,809 inclusive days from JFK’s assassination on 11/22/1963 to 9/11/2001.


The sum of all 78 Bible book and Presidential placeholders in the first two columns is 1117. 1117 is the sum of the ASCII codes for two names: ‘John Kennedy’. 1117 is also the gematria for the first 10 letters in the Bible. The sum of the first 10 prime numbers that fell opposite the first 10 books of the New Testament from Matthew to Ephesians is 888 – the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’.


The first and last prime numbers in the third column by the Old Testament books Daniel and Malachi are 673 and 757. The first and last prime numbers in the first column by the New Testament books Matthew and Galatians are 41 and 73. The sum of these four prime numbers is 1544. 1544 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Lord Jesus Christ’.


The first and last prime numbers in the third column by the New Testament books Hebrews and Revelation are 761 and 823. The first and last prime numbers in the first column of the ‘Prime Cube’ are 79 and 163. The sum of these four prime numbers is 1826. There are 1826 days in five years. 1826 equals: 2 x 913 – the gematria of the first word in the Bible. The 2017th composite number is 2368 (the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’). 2017 plus five years is 2022.


The prime numbers that fall at the top left and top right of the New Testament books (41 and 761) plus the prime numbers that fall at the lower left and lower right of the ‘Prime Cube’ (163 and 941) total 1906. The San Francisco earthquake occurred on 4/18/1906. From 4/18/1906 to 8/24/2022 was 91 x 467 days. Mathematicians consider 467 to be the 91st prime number. Lincoln served 467 more days than JFK. 467 equals the sum of three different gematrias for ‘God’ and 467 is the center of the ‘Prime Cross’. 4/18/1906 plus 90 x 467 days was 5/14/2021 – the 73rd anniversary of Israel’s rebirth. The 73rd triangle number is the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). The sum of the lowercase ASCII codes for ‘august 24 california earthquake’ is 2882. 2882 is the sum of the two sets of three prime numbers that make up the ‘Prime Cross’. 2882 equals: 2 x 1441. Since the San Francisco 7.9 earthquake on 4/18/1906 to the Antelope Valley 6.0 earthquake on 7/8/2021 there have been 65 earthquakes in California with a 5.0 and greater magnitude. 7/8/2021 plus 1 year and 47 days was 8/24/2022. There have been four 7.3 earthquakes in California since 4/18/1906. They occurred on: 11/4/1927, 7/21/1952, 11/8/1980 and 6/28/1992. From 6/7/1967 to 6/28/1992 was 3^4 x 113 days. From the last 7.3 on 6/28/1992 to 9/2/2022 was 73 x 151 days. From 6/28/1992 (the 4th 7.3 earthquake) to 8/31/2022 was 103 x 107 days. 103 + 4 equals: 107 – the rapture number.


The sum of the first 19 prime numbers that fell opposite the first 19 books of the Old Testament to Psalms totaled 2022. The 150 chapters in Psalms plus the prime number 317 that falls next to it equals 467. Again, Lincoln served 467 more days than JFK. 467 equals the sum of three different gematrias for ‘God’ and 467 is the center of the ‘Prime Cross’. Note that this 19th book falls next to the 67th prime number. 1967 was the year of the Six Day War. Again, the sum of the first 10 prime numbers that fell opposite the first 10 books of the New Testament from Matthew to Ephesians is 888 – the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. 19 plus 10 equals: 29. Strong’s Greek word number 29 means: compel to go. 1906 plus 4 x 29 equals: 2022. I hope this means that Jesus (888) is coming for His bride in 2022.


The next President after Biden will be the 47th. 47 plus the 66 books in the Bible equals: 113. 113 is the first point of the ‘Prime Cross’, the 31st prime number and the 9th number within the ‘Prime Cube’ 9 + 31 + 113 equals the 153 fish caught in John 21:11. 113 has a unique relationship to Pi. Pi x 113 yields the closest result to a whole number, closer than any other number from 1 to infinity x Pi. Pi x 113 equals: 354.999969 which rounds off to 355. 355 is the maximum number of days in 12 lunar cycles – one normal Jewish year. 999 is the gematria sum of the three Breastpiece tribe name gematrias that fall in a diagonal line across the Breastpiece. The gematria of the remaining 9 tribe names equals the 2701 gematria of Genesis 1:1. Methuselah lived 969 years which is the longest lifespan in the Bible.


Prime List with Old and New Testament books.jpg

Running totals of primes opposite Bible books.jpg