Bob Ware (4 Sep 2022)
"GN 1:1 gematria values combined with their related composite numbers yield ASCII sum for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ followed by 666"

In the attached chart I took the individual gematria values for each of the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 and used them as placeholders for the associated composite number. The gematria of the first word is 913. The 913th composite number is 1098. 1098 is the gematria sum for the last three words of Genesis 1:1: ‘heaven and earth’. 1098 was the average number of days served by the four assassinated Presidents. 2361 is the sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers. The first 38 elements have a total of 2361 elementary particles. The last 10 in this series of 38 elements (from Copper to Strontium) have a total of 1098 elementary particles. 38 minus 10 equals the 28 Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1.


The gematria sum of the first three words in Genesis 1:1 is 1202. It was 1202 days from 9/11/2001 to the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia that killed approximately 240,000 people on 12/26/2004.


203 is the gematria of the second word of Genesis 1:1. The 203rd composite number is 259 which is the gematria of the first tribe name on the Breastpiece (‘REUBEN’). 259 equals: 7 x 37.


86 is the gematria of ‘God’ in Genesis 1:1. The 86th composite number is 117. 117 doubled equals: 234. 86 plus 117 equals: 203. Michelle Obama was born on 1/17/1964. Barack Obama may return to power through his wife if the Democrats run her in 2024 and rig the election results again to assure her victory. Here is an odd anomaly linking 117 and 234 to the Mayan calendar which has 1,872,000 days in a ‘long count’ cycle. 1,872,000 equals: 2^7 x 5^3 x 117, or 8,000 x 234. The uppercase ASCII, prime and composite number gematrias for ‘MAYAN OBAMA’ are respectively: 726 (Greek roster number for ‘harpazo’), 253 (the 7th Star of David number) and 153. When ‘A’ = 1, ‘B’ = 2, etc.., ‘MAYAN OBAMA’ equals 86. When you apply the Hebrew/Greek letter values to the English alphabet then ‘MAYAN OBAMA’ gematria sum is 896. 896 is the multiplicative gematria of ‘JESUS’ derived by multiplying the significant digits in each letter value in the Greek spelling of ‘JESUS’: 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 = 888 > 1 x 8 x 2 x 4 x 7 x 2 = 896. The lowercase composite number gematria of ‘mayan obama’ is 501. 501 is the Hebrew gematria for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. 501 is also the gematria of the 7th tribe name on the Breastpiece: ‘ASHER’. 501 is the gematria sum of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th letters in GN 1:1.


401 is the gematria of the two letters at the center of Genesis 1:1 > 'ALEPH' (1) + 'TAV' (400). The 401st composite number is 496. 496 is the third perfect number and also the 31st triangle number. When 'A' = 1, 'B' = 2, ‘C’ = 3 etc… the gematria of 'PRESIDENT MICHELLE LAVAUGHN ROBINSON OBAMA' is 401.


395 is the gematria of ‘heaven’ – the fifth word of Genesis 1:1. 407 is the gematria of the sixth word – ‘and’. The 395th composite number is 489 and the 407th composite number is 504. 395 + 489 + 407 + 504 equals: 1795. 1795 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. The seventh (and final) gematria is 296 (‘earth’). The 296th composite number is 370. 296 plus 370 equals: 666. This places the number of the Beast right after the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. 1795 is the gematria sum for the 4th to 21st letters of GN 1:1.


When you assign the Hebrew/Greek letter values to the English alphabet then ‘MICHELLE OBAMA' = 234. 9/11/2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush. Using this same Hebrew/Greek gematria system then the gematria of the 3 words ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ totals 793. 793 is the 12th Star of David number and the 654th composite number. 12 plus 654 equals: 666. The composite number gematria for 'President Obama' is 666. The uppercase prime number gematria for the 4 words 'MICHELLE LAVAUGHN ROBINSON OBAMA' is 793. 3 + 4 equals the 7 words in Genesis 1:1. The 2701 gematria of Genesis 1:1 minus 793 equals: 1908. 1908 is the sum of the two twin-prime pairs at the north and south points of the ‘Prime Cross’. The Tunguska Blast occurred on 6/30/1908. 1908 is the gematria sum for the first 18 (6+6+6) letters in GN 1:1. 793 is the gematria sum of the 9th to 18th letters in GN 1:1. 793 is also the gematria sum of the last 10 letters in GN 1:1. Here is another odd coincidence: (2 x 501) + 793 equals: 1795.


There are 47 letters in the 7 words: ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ and 'MICHELLE LAVAUGHN ROBINSON OBAMA'. The sum of the first 22 prime numbers is 713 which is also the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The 16th number in this series of primes totaling 713 is 47. 713 minus 47 equals: 666.


The composite number gematria for 'Michelle LaVaughn Obama' is 929. The sum of all 929 chapter numbers in the Old Testament equals the 24,978 days from Israel’s rebirth on 5/14/1948 to the last day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle on 10/2/2016. From 10/2/2016 to 10/7/2022 will be 2 steps of 1098 days. 107 is the rapture number.


On 12/28/2022 Michelle Obama will have lived 10 x 2153 days. 2153 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy'. The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘John Kennedy’ is 1,117. From 10/2/2016 to 11/14/2022 will be 2 steps of 1,117 days. Again, Michelle Obama was born on 1/17 of 1964. From 10/2/2016 to 9/25/2021 was 17 steps of 107 days. Enoch was taken at the age of 365. 9/25/2021 plus 365 days will be 9/25/2022 when Rosh Hashanah 5783 begins at sunset.


From JFK's assassination on 11/22/1963 to Michelle's birth on 1/17/1964 was 2 x 28 days. The 2nd perfect number is 28. There are 28 letters in the 7 Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1. 28 is the 7th triangle number.


GN gematrias as placeholders for composite numbers.jpg