Bob Ware (11 Sep 2022)
"John 21:11, Acts 27:37 and the 12 Breastpiece tribe names are main elements in prime number designs linking 5/14/1948 with 9/11/2001"

John 21:11 “Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.”


There were 153 fish caught in the net in John 21:11. Consider my ‘Prime List’ to be a ‘fishing net’. Pick it up by its four corners and the 153 fish will fall to its center. The 153rd prime number (881) is the center of this ‘Prime List’. The 17th triangle number is 153. The sum of the first 17 triangle numbers is 969. Methuselah lived 969 years. That is the longest lifespan given in the Bible.


The 'Prime Cube' is comprised of the center 17 prime numbers in each of the first three columns of my 'Prime List'. These values create the first two dimension of the ‘Prime Cube’ – the width of three columns and the height of 17 rows. The third dimension is its depth of three layers of 51 values. The first layer being the 51 prime numbers themselves. The second layer is their 51 placeholders within the ‘Prime List’. The third layer is their 51 placeholders within the ‘Prime Cube’. This is a total of 153 values. The sum of the four points at the four corners of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 2010: 79 + 163 + 827 + 941. 2010 is the range of my ‘Prime List’.


The ‘Prime Cross’ is made up the three prime numbers across the center row: 113, 467 and 881. Their sum equals the 1461 days in one four-year Presidential term. The three prime numbers that make up the center vertical bar of the ‘Prime Cross’ are: 431, 467 and 523. The sum of these two sets of three numbers is 2882. The average value of these two sets of three prime numbers is 1441. 1441 is the 16th Star of David number. 9/11/2001 was the 1441st day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle that ended on 10/2/2016. The sum of the four points of this ‘Prime Cross’ is 1948: 113 + 431 + 523 + 881. The first point of this ‘Prime Cross’ is 113. It is the 31st number within the ‘Prime List’ and the 9th number within the ‘Prime Cube’: 9 + 31 + 113 equals 153. The last point of the cross (881) is the 153rd and center number of the ‘Prime List’.


The sum of the last 26 numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ from its center (467) to its end (941) is 19,478. It was 19,478 days from Israel’s rebirth on 5/14/1948 to 9/11/2001. The number 19,478 could be representative of the two years 1947-8. The U.N. voted for the Partition of Israel on 11/29/1947. The sum of the first 25 prime numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ from 79 to 463 equals the 5611 days from 9/11/2001 to the competition of President Trump’s first day in office on 1/21/2017.


The first point of the ‘Prime Cross’ (113) has a unique relationship to Pi. When 113 is multiplied by Pi it yields the closest result to a whole number - closer than any other number to infinity x Pi. 113 x Pi = 354.999969. This value rounds off to 355 which is the maximum number of days in one normal Jewish year of 12 lunar cycles.


The center number of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 467. 467 is the sum of three different gematrias for ‘God’: 86 Hebrew, 99 prime and 282 ASCII. Lincoln served 467 more days than JFK.


The sum of the 17 prime numbers that make up the first column of my 'Prime Cube' (79 to 163) is 2035. 2035 is the sum of the stones in the bottom 37 rows of the 'Genesis 1:1 Pyramid' (row 73 up to row 37). The remaining 36 rows of stones above row 37 have a total of 666 stones.


Acts 27:37 “Altogether there were 276 of us on board.”


The first number within the ‘Prime Cube’ is the 23rd prime number 79. The 23rd triangle number is 276. The 79th element is Gold. Each atom of Gold has 276 elementary particles: 79 protons + 118 neutrons + 79 electrons. In the Breastpiece there is a diagonal of three tribe names with a combined gematria of 999. The gematria of the remaining 9 tribe names equals the 2701 gematria of Genesis 1:1. I applied this diagonal pattern of three values through the ‘Prime Cube’. The sum of the three prime number placeholders for the top left corner (23) plus the center placeholder (92) plus the lower right placeholder (161) equals: 276.


There are 12 tribe names on the Breastpiece. The sum of the 12 consecutive prime numbers from the 4th (5) to the 15th (43) is 276. The 12th (137) and 13th (139) numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ also totals 276. 137 and 139 are a pair of twin-prime numbers. There are 66 books in the Bible. The three consecutive composite numbers from the 66th (91) to the 68th (93) also total 276. The sum of the 91st (463) and the 92nd (467) prime numbers is 930. Adam lived 930 years. 467 is the center of the ‘Prime Cross’.


The first prime number of the ‘Prime Cube’ is the 23rd prime number 79. 1 + 23 + 79 equals: 103. The 26th prime number of the ‘Prime Cube’ is its center point. It is the 92nd prime number 467. 26 + 92 + 467 equals: 585. The last number within the ‘Prime Cube’ falls at the 51st position. It is the 161st prime number 941. 51 + 161 + 951 equals: 1153. The sum of these 9 values is 1841. 1841 + 9 equals: 1850. The gematria sum for the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th Breastpiece tribe name gematrias is 1850. The gematria sum for the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th Breastpiece tribe name gematrias is also 1850.


I placed the last names of Presidents of the United States within the ‘Prime Cube’. Lincoln and his vice president Johnson fell at the lower left corner. JFK and his vice president Johnson fell at the top right corner. Draw a diagonal line connecting these names and it passes directly through the center of the ‘Prime Cube’ (467). Lincoln served 467 more days than JFK.


The chapter and verse numbers from John 21:11 (153 fish caught in the net) and Acts 27:37 (276 saved in Paul’s shipwreck) form the number strings: ‘2111’ and ‘2737’. The average of these two values is 2424. Strong’s Greek word number 2424 is ‘JESUS’. The Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’ (888) plus 2424 equals: 12 x 276.


5783 and 2022 overlap for a period of 97 days. (4 x 97) + (12 x 276) equals the gematria of the 12 tribe names on the Breastpiece (3700). 3700 minus 2737 equals: 9 x 107 (rapture number). The 23rd triangle number is 276. 2737 minus 276 equals: 23 x 107.


Prime List 9-11-2001 to 10-11-2022.jpg