Bob Ware (11 Sep 2022)
"A second tapping on the right shoulder 26 days apart marks Yom Kippur"

In the morning of August 14th of 2022 I awoke by the sensation of someone tapping me on my right shoulder several times. I was lying on my left side at the time. I could feel each separate finger of a hand. When I turned, expecting to see someone, there was no one there – I live alone.


26 days later, in the morning of September 9th of 2022, a brother in the Lord told me he was awoken by someone tapping on his right shoulder. When he turned, expecting to see someone, there was no one there – he also lives alone. September 9th of 2022 plus a second period of 26 days will be October 5th of 2022 – Yom Kippur.


Ezekiel 4:6 "After you have finished this, lie down again, this time on your right side, and bear the sin of the house of Judah. I have assigned you 40 days, a day for each year.”


August 14th of 2022 plus 40 days will be September 23rd of 2022 – the five year anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign that occurred on September 23rd of 2017.