1 Cor 10:31 (11 Sep 2022)
"asking for prayer for Toby"

By 1 Cor 10:31




It’s very late Sat. night & I was just about to turn in – then decided to come over here & try to fire up this E X T R E M E L Y  slow & gummed-up desktop computer!!


Toby (our incredibly precious dog!!) :  he’s been bleeding out his backend ever since April when a vet talked us into an injection for his leg pain!!!!   [I’ve always held a great deal of resentment for going along with it … plus guilt for shelving my brain to someone like that!!  In Toby’s case, “I KNEW BETTER”!!  He’s had waaaay too many chemicals put into his body & he simply cannot handle more!!]   Bleeding out the rump started the next day.  Some day worse than others, but it’s never stopped. 


ROLLER COASTER!!  B/c the last 2 days I thought (hoped beyond hope!!)  we were seeing a bit of light at the end of the tunnel when I took away ALL animal protein & went 100% vegetarian!!  The bleeding subsided (almost)  to a light pink, and not much of it.  WOW, made me feel SO GOOD!!!!  Thought we were finally getting somewhere –


TILL TODAY!!!!   Oh my word!!  Absolutely 1 of his worst days ever!!


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve wiped his rear, cleaned it, changed his pads…..  this is pretty much routine for me and to say I’m exhausted is putting it mildly!!!!   I get very little else done (cleaning/organizing, just keeping up with life at all…..)  I push myself beyond limits till finally I’m a blubbery, teary mess……collapsing into a heap of exhaustion.


Interesting, that just when the leg isn’t bothering him nearly as bad – yet he may possibly leave this earth over this other issue!!


If it’s time for him to depart, I understand, (though I don’t like it)  but I understand, b/c after all he’s 13 and a  half.  (though honestly to look at him & see his mannerisms – he sometimes literally acts like he’s TWO!!!!)  and those BRIGHT eyes – he still enjoys life in spite of all this other mess!!!!  So we absolutely cannot put him down unless it comes down to no other choice.


WILL GOD ANSWER MY PRAYER though?  That when it’s Toby’s time, He will take him “gently & peacefully” one night while he’s sleeping??  I don’t know.  I “try” to hang onto promises like those who delight themselves in the Lord will be given desires of their hearts.


ADMIT though, between this, and all the other BEYOND horrendous stuff I’ve had to deal with for over 2 years now – I have times when I question!!! ….. a LOT!!!   In fact, I’ve been through a lot in life (as most of us have)  yet these past 2 years you could say I’ve had a crisis of faith.  I am still believing!!  I am still hanging on!!  Fortunately I have a stubborn streak that won’t allow me to let go of the One I chose & promised to follow!!


If we can’t have things turn out the way we hope & request though, then why are we told to even pray about it??  /no answer needed….. just things I wonder about…..


Back to our sweet, sweet boy:  I’m asking (if it’s the Lord’s will)  that Toby can be healed once again!!  This is my hope & desire.  Toby has an anal tumor and the rear bleeds b/c of it, though to be honest, I am really suspecting tail cancer b/c it bleeds there, too.  With his old FRAIL body, there is absolutely NOOOO WAY he would make it through surgery!!!  So I have no choice but to rely on the Lord, and treat holistically as possible.  He cannot even as much as have any antibiotics AT ALL…. Or else he bleeds everywhere & cripples him.  He’s truly had too many chemicals put into his body.


And my secondary request is….. if the Lord chooses to take our Toby, that it will not be in a tragic way – like that one last trip to the vet, knowing he won’t be coming home with us.  I’m one to PRE-grieve, and I feel the pain deeply!!!   I’m afraid it will throw me into shock so much that I may even faint!!  Yes, I’m serious.

Maybe some people would  think that’s loving a dog “too much” but I’d say you haven’t met Toby!!  Good as gold!!  And I often tell him to be leading the pack when I get to heaven!!



Anyway, …… well what more can I say? 

Other than just THANKS for caring enough to take a few seconds of your time mentioning us to The Throne!!




P.S…… so with all the beyond CRAZY & EVIL news stories happening in the world:  I know there will always be certain ones who will question my caring so deeply over a dog!!  Guess you simply have to be a dog lover to truly understand!!!  They make you happier and keep you grounded with their fierce love & loyalty!!   Some of  the happiest days of my life have been since this “blessing” was brought into our lives!!!


And P.S. to you Derrick:   I continue to pray for your “hurt”, confusion, rejection you must have been feeling over the past couple months!!!!   I’m sorry they (she) made such false accusations – but listen, wear it like a badge!!  I got booted from rapture ready some 15 years ago….. by the very people I’d broken bread with in person!!!!!   Several times in fact.  Even drove ‘em all over the city in my car.  Yeah, I cried.  I had been at rapture ready from its inception BEFORE THEY HAD ANY MODERATORS AT ALL!!!!!!


Much less liberal loony ones who claimed a gay person who worked at a girly ahem, “gift store” was Christian…. Just b/c he claimed to “believe” in Jesus!!   Todd, with a watchful eye, must have finally gotten a clue – b/c within a year, he booted the ones who booted me.


But just sayin’ Brother!!   Just keep on keeping on, one step at a time, moving forward and know you left with a clear conscience!!  I’m sorry for the wrestling/wrangling.  But know what?  Our Father SAID WE’D HAVE DAYS LIKE THIS!!!!!