Steve Coerper (26 Sep 2021)
"Would Jesus Wear a Mask?"

Hi, John -

I don't recall anyone from the "what would Jesus do?" crowd weighing in on the subject of masks (or vaccines).  One might expect the pastors to lead the charge, and by God's grace some have stepped up.  But as we know, the media-controllers have turned down the volume on their platforms as much as possible.  Here on main street, it's a mixed bag - another issue to divide the church, one might think.

But one courageous voice from Joy Pullmann has stated the issue with clarity:

Here's a salient point:
Wearing a mask communicates that I accept the premise that everyone should wear a mask, even if vaccinated, even if possessing natural antibodies, even if a child to whom the flu is more dangerous, even if an adult who believes living with risk is part of human life and that attempting to eliminate risk is more dangerous than accepting it. It communicates that the entire world should look like a hospital, a fearful and sad place where people are desperately sick, even if they don’t know it.

It communicates that I believe harassing the living hell out of Americans is a justified response to a disease with a 99.5 percent survival rate or better for those younger than 65. It communicates that it is reasonable to worship health as an idol, and to control citizens with fear. Well, I simply don’t believe any of that, and I’m not going to be forced to communicate that I do.

While I'm not at all persuaded that everyone gets the same "message" when they see others wearing masks, I think it's safe to say that wearing a mask communicates the message that the mask-wearer agrees with the current "pandemic narrative." 

As Ms. Pullmann points out, there is an IDOLATRY issue here.  What others point out is that there is also a sorcery/pharmakaia issue here.  What would Jesus do?  I would hope that for every true Christian, it's a no-brainer.  For the rest, who may prefer to avoid conflict and cower ... well, cowards don't do well in the end.    (Rev. 21:8)

My apologies for not posting this sooner.  Of course, if it's as late in the game as we think, it may not matter.

Thanks again for your good work.


Evil appears as good in the minds of those whom God leads to destruction. - Sophocles