Ray (26 Sep 2021)
"Another possible rapture date"


John and Doves,

Let's go back to my 1335 days and 1290 days.

Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025 -------- 1335 days ------- Pentecost May 20 2029

Rosh Hashana Sept 23 2025 , Daily sacrifice is taken away, abomination begins -------- 1290 days -------- April 5 2029 , AC and the false prophet both are thrown into the lake of fire, end of 1290 days abomination.

Jesus returns to Jerusalem on Nisan 15 March 31 2029. He captures the beast and the false prophet, and throws them into the lake of fire few days later on April 5.

Here's a possibility. On April 5 2029, after the beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire, Jesus declares the tribulation is finally over. April 5 2029 could be the end of 7 years tribulation, instead of my speculation Pentecost May 20 2029. To calculate the day for rapture, I subtract 2520 days from April 5 2029, I come to May 12 2022 as the day for rapture and beginning of tribulation.

May 12 2022 Rapture ----- 2520 days ------ April 5 2029, AC and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire, End of tribulation

In this scenario, I use the last day of 1290 days as the end of tribulation, and works backward 2520 days, to come to May 12 2022 as the day for rapture.

Let's say I am correct, rapture occurs on May 12 2022 which is Iyyar 11 in Jewish calendar. Iyyar is the second month. Noah went into the ark in the second month, on the 11th day. If God does repeat the pattern of the Great Flood to punish the world, then rapture and tribulation should happen on the 11th day of the second month which corresponds to  Iyyar 11. Then my rapture date Iyyar 11 seems very possible and real.

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

This is rapture verse, followed by two men in the field, one is taken, the other left. Two women grinding in the mill, one is taken, the other left. But my main focus is this, why does Jesus compare his coming for the church/ the rapture to the days of Noah?  What is the purpose of Jesus using days of Noah to compare to our rapture?

Using my previous post, and my calculation based on 1290 days, I think the mystery has been finally solved. Because rapture shall occur on the same day Noah enters the Ark, that is, on the 11th day in the second month, this is why Jesus compares our rapture to days of Noah. But since Exodus, God has changed the first month to Nisan, so the 11th day of second month has become Iyyar 11. God shall use Iyyar 11 known as days of Noah to punish the world, that is, by calling the church home on Iyyar 11 (which resembles to Noah entering the Ark on the 11th day in the second month), God shall pour out His wrath upon the world and all nations.

It is very interesting to see if God judges the nations again on the same pattern he judged Noah's world, that is, God chooses the 11th day of the second month again, except the second month has become Iyyar.

So far I have three different dates for rapture based on my timeline.  Marriage Supper of the Lamb is held on Nisan 14 Passover 2029. Jesus returns to Jerusalem on Nisan 15 March 31 2029. 1290 days ends on April 5 2029, while 1335 days ends on May 20 2029. 

If tribulation is ended on the day Jesus returning to Jerusalem, subtract 2520 days from March 31 2029, we have May 7 2022 as the day for rapture and tribulation to begin.

If tribulation is ended on the last day of 1290 days, subtract 2520 days from April 5 2029, we have May 12 2022 as the day for rapture and tribulation to begin.

If tribulation is ended on Pentecost May 20 2029, subtract 2520 days from May 20 2029, we have rapture on June 26 2022 and tribulation to begin on the same day.

Jesus says no one knows the day and hour. Even if someone knows the day, but he doesn't know the hour. This is the precision Jesus talks about.

 So far I don't have a preference on these three choices. Be it May 7, May 12, or June 26 next year, I shall take it gladly. But May 12 / Iyyar 11 looks the strongest because God did tell Noah enter the Ark on the 11th day of the second month which resembles to our Iyyar 11 / May 12 next year.  Noah escapes the judgment from the 11th day of the second month, God may call His church home on the 11th day of the second month again, to avoid the global judgment on the world.
