Garry B (26 Sep 2021)


The 'green wood - dry wood' prophecy was the last prophecy that Jesus gave just minutes before He was nailed to the green wood of a freshly made cross.  Jesus spoke of a future terrible prophetic event that would come upon the descendants of the Jewish people long after the  green wood of the cross on which He was about to be nailed  was dry wood. The terrible future prophetic event coming upon the Jews would be His vengeance upon the Jews in  retribution for His unjust crucifixion. Jesus told them  "THE DAYS  ARE COMING"  would  be so terrible that nursing mothers will wish they had not given birth to their babies according to :

Luke 23:28-31 ( Jesus's last prophecy )

"Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for Me,  but weep for yourselves AND FOR YOUR CHILDREN ( descendants ) . For behold,  THE DAYS ARE COMING in which they shall say, Blessed are  the  barren , and the wombs that never bare and the paps that never  gave suck. For if they do these things ON A GREEN TREE  what  SHALL BE DONE IN  THE DRY ?"

Shortly prior to that day , in His Olivet Discourse, Jesus spoke in  detail about the future terrible prophetic event of His vengeance that would come upon the Jewish people because He knew they were about to unjustly crucify Him as recorded in : 

Luke 21:22-23 ( the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38:16 )

"FOR THESE BE THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE  that all things which are written ( Ezekiel 38:16 ) MAY BE FULFILLED. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck IN THOSE DAYS  ! For THERE SHALL BE GREAT TRIBULATION in the land  ( of Israel ),  and ( My ) wrath upon this  people ( of Israel ). "

Ezekiel 38:16  ( the Gog -Magog War against Israel will be the fulfillment of Jesus's last prophecy as recorded above in both  Luke 23:28-31  AND  Luke 21:22 -23 )

"And you shall come up AGAINST MY PEOPLE OF ISRAEL,  it shall be IN  THE LATTER DAYS , and I WILL BRING YOU AGAINST MY LAND that the GENTILES MAY KNOW ME when I shall be sanctified IN  YOU, O' GOG BEFORE THEIR EYES." ."


The Gog-Magog War of tribulation judgment  upon Israel is the Lord's vengeance and retribution for their unjust crucifixion of Him and is also the "LATTER DAYS" GENTILE CHURCH'S  visual sign that our redemption /  rapture is near. 

Luke 21:28 ( Jesus speaking )

"When THESE THINGS ( the Gog-Magog War in Israel ) BEGIN TO HAPPEN ,  THEN  look up and lift up your heads BECAUSE YOUR  REDEMPTION ( resurrection / rapture ) DRAWS NEAR."

According to Your Holy Word,  come Lord Jesus !