Fay (26 Sep 2021)
"Protests and an Earthquake"


Hi John and Doves,

There have been horrific reports coming out of Australia regarding protests in Melbourne. I am posting 2 links about these protests. The first link is very short but informative. The 2nd link shows a lot of footage which includes a lot of swearing. These construction workers are as mad as heck. I recommend viewing the 2nd link too as it shows just what the grievances are for these workers. However - be warned about the bad language. The Melbourne police have used excessive violence - as have many of the police throughout Australia. Their actions have shocked the world.

Tuesday September 21st protests are what is covered in the 2nd link. Truly heart breaking. On the morning of Wednesday September 22nd a large earthquake hit Melbourne. Please see the 3rd link for the details.

In no way could this be any "coincidence". Almighty God is angry. Ordinary Australian people are suffering under a brutal government who are using the covid nonsense to enact a monstrous power grab. Only God knows what else their duplicitous leaders are getting up to behind closed doors.


