Fay (26 Sep 2021)
"Government Leaders are afraid of their own People. BRILLIANT!!"


And there are a lot of us !! Just one of the quotes from this short clip....Neil Oliver of GB News. I love this man!!

He asks if Australia is the proverbial canary in the coal mine. A taste of what is to come. Neil believes the government actions of Australia - and all over the world - smacks of fear. They are frightened. Their actions smack of desperation. Over-reaction. Over-kill. This clip is incredibly empowering, Doves. Put it together with our faith and the global elite don't stand a chance. We all need to keep our prayer socks on - get our mojo back - and show these idiots that we are NOT afraid of them. That we are NOT fooled. We need to behave with confidence and the strength of our faith.

Please watch the short clip. It is EMPOWERING. This is how Almighty God is begging Israel to behave and react. Israel has NOTHING to fear if they simply trust in the LORD Almighty. Why should we believing gentiles be expected to feel and react any differently? Our beloved LORD yearns for us to feel empowered by His Word. By our faith.

Lets all grab our mojo back, Doves. Hallelujah!

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.
