Fay (26 Sep 2021)
"The Club of Rome.  The main Artery. BINGO!!"


Hi John and Doves,

Almighty God guided me to this information. Thank you, Abba Father. I prayed hard for wisdom and clarity and I received some. In abundance.

In the short video clip in the link, you will see and hear how this tight little club of mole-ish trolls operate. In this clip, we hear how Australia is addressed as being "sort of" independent from the world, but will soon have to accept "inter-dependence" with the rest of the world. Another sweet little gem..."While the Club of Rome is reluctant to point the finger at any one nation, the United States of America - which consumes 60% of the world's resources will, in the Club's view, have to accept a severe cutback in it's voracious appetite".

Funny how the USA and Australia are named nations in this clip.

These are but some of the revealing gems you will hear in this clip. Wait until you see the people who make up this Club of Rome. Rockefeller is but one. I spied a younger George Soros in the line-up.

This clip was made in 2018 but quotes figures from a computer programme made in 1973. A mainstream media station in Australia - ABC - produced this clip.

While scholars have pondered on a "Revived Roman Empire" as the end times beast, we can see it is not delineated by land-mass as much as by name. I tried to google for further info on this Club of Rome, but there is very little. They have, themselves, produced a short YT clip mocking a conspiracy theory type scenario about themselves. So pathetic and see-through, I didn't bother linking it here. Huge yawn! Google algorithms have certainly done a good job of hiding this vile club from prying eyes.

Be prepared for a jaw drop.
