Fay (26 Sep 2021)
"Dystopian Times!"


Hi John and Doves,

I have been watching the Melbourne protests this week with shocked disbelief. I have watched footage of the immigrants clamouring on America's southern border - with shocked disbelief. We have been seeing news of valuable members of the medical community and armed forces having to leave their jobs because they refuse to have the vaccine. I could list dozens of things that have shocked the senses this week. Including the ridiculous farce unfolding at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

If this was a movie, I would be wondering why the people were so slow to realise they were being taken over by a profound evil. Stepping out of the woods to see the trees, it takes a fresh pair of eyes to observe events with clarity. The most powerful nation in the free world has been tricked into a malevolent governmental takeover. True democracy was stolen right under the noses of the American people. With a POTUS who can barely string a sentence together, the future looks dangerous. Here in the UK, it's clear we have a bunch of pampered, delusional clowns as leaders. These idiots are sitting pretty as there is no viable opposition. The Middle East has entered a new, highly dangerous phase. Iran is on the point of having a nuclear weapon - which will then force Israel to act. It seems that this is exactly what the democrats are aiming for!

We have had earthquakes plus a spewing volcano on La Palma - a Spanish owned island. Today, Thursday September 23rd, Spain suddenly suffered flash flooding in certain areas.

I have a nasty feeling that the American people are being slow-walked into a trap. Much like the pinzer movement the Aussie police used on the Melbourne protesters. It was only when the protesters were surrounded by the police that they realised it was a trap. We have to ask at what point the American people are going to recognise the danger and rise up? The difference between America and Australia is that of weapons. The Australians were disarmed years ago. The American people have not (yet) been disarmed. But - we shouldn't fool ourselves that the evil elite haven't taken this into account. Another trap awaits.

Please watch the short clip in the link. A few minutes of the situation in Melbourne that will make your hair stand on end. How the rest of Australia are not rising up to their aid, is beyond me. If they can do this to the people in Melbourne, they will do it to every single person in Australia.

Please come, LORD Jesus.
