Fay (26 Sep 2021)
"Dates and Numbers to Note"


Hi John and Doves,

I was pondering on the parable of the fig tree in Luke 13:7 (linked below). The owner of the vineyard had been inspecting the fig tree for 3 years and it still hadn't born fruit. He ordered it to be chopped down - saying that it was taking up precious soil. The keeper of the vineyard pleaded for one more year of life for the fig tree. The keeper promised to dig around the fig tree and fertilise it. If it still did not produce fruit after that 4th year - the keeper said that the owner had every right to chop it down.

As 70 years is a vital part of prophecy for Israel - we are now over 3 years past that cut-off date. 70 years ended on May 14th, 2018.

It will be the end of the 4th year of "overtime" on May 14th, 2022. I was amazed to see that it will be 888 months from May 14th, 1948 to May 14th, 2022. Huh!
